Friday, April 21, 2006


What kinda person am I?

What do I like, dislike?


Should I say a 11 years old trapped in the body of a 30 years old?(well, i do hope that it is the other way around!)

I like things that a young man will like... but I am sure the young man will like what i like too...(hey! you discovered girls yet?? heh heh heh)

I like to have a brother. See carefully and my little eventful life is surrounded by women since young, good or bad, you judge. Always wanted a brother since young, can SHARE the same interest, the same thinking, the same girlfriend~(then again), and all the things that brothers will talk about.

Try explaining to a woman why booze, cigis and soccer are the perfect combination at any given night.

No luck.

iMac, FFVII, 24, MGS, Soccer, Booze, Cigis, Women, Rock, Books, Sausages, Photography, Sleep, Yawn, Stretch, Dawn, Dusk, Mushmallow, Chocolates, Pork Belly, M&C, Chili, Yu Yamada, Red, Offspring, Tibu...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ME? Who am I? Just an eleven year old boy living life to its fullest.
I like xbox, ps2, psp, iMac, Tv -eg. 24, and soccer. I am still not interested in girls yet. They are too troublesome, too complicated.
I will grow up at my own pace and enjoy what I have now.
Happy to meet someone who have similar hobbies. Thank you for sharing Final Fantasy VII. Can't wait to have the English version.
See you :-)