Monday, April 17, 2006

Mr & Mrs Tomato

Was at a lounge, enjoying some nice wine and a lady & gentleman took my attention away.

The lady went up to the bar counter, took a 2 glasses of Bloody Mary, grab 2 celery stick and cheerfully went back to her sit to enjoy her beverage of choice with Mr.

Within 2 mins, she got up again and went over to the counter again to have another glass of Bloody Mary. The 4th glass follows approximately 1 min and 54 seconds later. 5th glass took her less than 3 mins. 8th glass came even before i could figure out what happen to the 6th & 7th glass. In all, Mr & Mrs Tomato had more than 12 glasses of Bloody Mary between them. And all this happen before i could finish my 1 glass of wine.

It's amazing how obsessive one can be with their object of desire. Especially food. Wonder what will happen if they love Durians...

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