Saturday, April 15, 2006

Service U & Me

In the service industry, good and bad services are often the talking points and the main focus of many operations.

If you are in the service industry, chances are you either love your job to death or you are there to pass time. Both possibilities will make the difference of good service.

You provide excellent services from your heart and your customers will appreciate your attentiveness and genuine care. You tell yourself that you gave the best services to all your guests and clients, you are humble and receptive, you are flexible and caring. You gave good service. You are happy and proud.

But what happens when you, your excellent-service self, encounter bad services? Are you understanding and nice? Or do you simply turn into a villain and a monster and gave your "Fellow Service-Providers" hell, being rude to them, claim that they have poor service and maybe even look down on them.

Me? I believe being nice to anyone and everyone, even though they rendered the worst possible service I have ever received. I will not be rude, all I will do is simply not go back to the shop again. Simple as that.(well, you can bitch about it and spread the poor service you received to your friends)

If you are trying to impress the ladies around you by giving the server a hard time, and showed that you are so great and knew so much and should be well taken care of, and hope that all your friends will think that you are great and will look upon you. Well, you are wrong. Let me tell you a secret, you have successfully turned off the ladies around you.

You may work in a better and more prestigious organization, you are a Director, CEO, Managing Director, that does not make you a more superior human being. In life, one must always be humble. The server that you don't give a fuck about might just turn out to be your BOSS one fine day. Then, you are fucked.

Take your pick :

1) rude, arrogant, ill mannered.


2) humble, easy and happy.

Be a Lady and a Gentleman, do not do to other what you do not want upon yourself.

(if you think the above sounds familiar, well yes, i AM talking about you)

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Well written.

I have encountered people (or rather a few of my friends) who are excellent in their service but when faced with poor service, (like what you said) turned into a villain, monster and gave these "Fellow Service-Providers" hell...being rude to them, claim that they have poor service, look down on them etc.

I will put it down as a balance they are trying to achieve in life.

No, I am not defending them because i also believe in your philosophy and practice it. But I think that there is a reason for their action or behaviour.

They probably feel aggrieved or mentally unbalanced when they received poor service while they are dishing out excellent service day in day out. In a way, their expectations of others are wrongly set or measured by expectations that they set of themselves.
