Thursday, April 20, 2006

Radio Ga Ga

Who listens to radio broadcast/programs these days?

You do? Why do you listen to radio programs? FOR SONGS OF COURSE!!

I have not listened to radio programs for a long long time(years actually), and I "accidentally" switched on the radio again recently. This particular channel claims that they are a "More songs, Less talk" channel and they will always bring you the latest songs.

Well, how exciting.

So there I was, sitting there for 20 mins listening to the "more songs, less talk, always new songs" radio channel. The DJ talked for the first 5 mins, then he played a Barry Manilow song that lasted for about 5 mins and he started talking for another 10 mins, then advertisements came in, followed by games that sounded like they are gonna last for 1 hour before they will end...

I switched off the radio.

Still junk after all these years.

Back to my trusty ipod.

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