Friday, April 07, 2006

From Version 2.9 to 3.0

In 2.5 hours time, I will be official upgraded to Male Age Version 3.0

What are the program differences from Version 2.9 and lower to Version 3.0??

Lots of difference.

For one, when you sign up for any application form(jobs, credit cards, memberships etc) you put in the age column as :
AGE ~ 30. No more 25, 28, 29 whatever.

You body get slower, it grows older.
You brain get slower and more stooooopid as the version increases(imagine Version 6.2!).
You run slower, you jump shorter distances.
You try not to walk so much.
You talk less(more grumpy somehow).
You cannot like cartoons & toys anymore.
Your music taste change from BlackEyePeas to Steve Tyrell.
You start drinking Wine, champagne, Whiskey & Martini, no more beer.
You start to get horny when you see young girls in their bikini..(well, all Male Age Versions have this bug, it just corrupts faster as version increases)
You system Crash faster at night.

Somethings that will never change irregardless of versions :

True & Life long friends.
With their support, encouragement, understanding, you go thru life.
you know you will have them there to fall back on when the road gets tough and bumpy.
They will slap you to wake you up if they have to.
They share all you happiness, sadness, and DARK secrets.
What will I do without your support and encouragement.

PS:/Gay Partner & Bro ( ) , its been 17 long and fabulous Years. Version 1.3 to 2.9 days are fun! You are just over 2 months shy of Version 3.0. Lets look forward to version 3.0 to 3.9 and we will have this conversation again during version 4.0! With lotsa champagne and teen girls in bikini!! (somethings never change! hahahahah!!)

More clolurful versions ahead!!

Thank you.

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Hahaha...I love your 'versions' concept. Indeed, we are moving from one version to another, just like the introduction of japanese cars...some jump in versions are minor face-lifts and some are major overhauls.
