Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day of Birth

Happy birthday, dearest one,
Sweet child of my heart!
We've become one family,
Of which you are a part.
And so I sing out equally
To all of those who are
Mine by blood or fortune blessed,
No more, no less my star!

We are one in love and joy,
In fondness and in worth,
And so as one we celebrate
This day, your day of birth!


Anonymous said...

I celebrate today with all the very special people who were born on April 12. No matter where you are, what you do... Today is a dedicated day to us!!
Yesterday has Passed... Tomorrow may Not Come... Treasure TODAY coz this is the PRESENT!
The present I received every day is the love blessed upon me by my love and my family, what's yours?

Keevy - 小明® said...

Happy Birthday to 大嫂 kokomi baybee! May you stay (this is the keyword cos you are already)pretty and happy every day!


Anonymous said...

To a very special young lady, Michelle:
Happy belated birthday! Better late than never....
May you always have abundance of happiness to make you sweet, abundance of love to make you smile, and dream what you want to dream, be what you want to be.
With heartfelt wishes from your admirer,
Ryan Chapelle