Monday, April 10, 2006

Clone the Future

Reproduction Without Sex Is Cloning.

Will the above be the future of human?

The population growth on the earth is slowing down. So slow that it has become concern to some nation. Measures are being taken to ensure that more babies are on the way. Monetary incentives, education support, tax rebates etc.

The measures help.

But did it produce the right KIND of new generation population and talents that we hope to achieve?

Would we need to clone humans for the future to ensure that we have the right quality that we seek?

Cloning have been a constant R&D for many scientist and government for as far as we can remember. Do we really need that? Perhaps, cos the right ones are not giving. The wrong ones keep producing.

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Reproduction Without Sex Is Cloning.
(Sex Without Love is Mating - just like what animals do)

Will the above be the future of human? (This is the present of human...quite sad)