Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Always There

The first time I saw her, was at 7am on a Saturday morning, on my way to work. She is sitting at the pavement below my residence's block. I returned home at 3pm and she is still sitting at the same place. She looks dirty, tired and have a deep glaring pair of eyes.

The second time I see her, she is sitting at the bench below my residence block, staring into blank air.

Subsequently, I see her at 8am, 9pm, 11pm, 1am etc etc, almost the whole day I will see her. She is always there. Looking at me and others walking past. Never utter a word. Just staring.

Almost every day I will see her.

One time, I came back from the airport, about 2am in the morning... I saw her standing behind a pillar, long flowy hair and have half her head revealed from behind the pillar, staring at me. My heart stop for 2 seconds.

Recently, she is sitting at the playground, staring. Must be mentally prepared coming home everyday. If not, my heart is gonna stop permanently one day.

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

You made her sound so scary...