Friday, August 10, 2007

NDP 2007

The parade/celebration was a major one yesterday.

First time in Marina area..the public...the human traffic.. it's like in a sea of red yesterday.

The parade looks beautiful from the Suite. It's amazing what we can see up there versus what was shown on TV... Everyone enjoyed themselves, lotsa Moet & Chandon going around and lotsa laughter and small talks.

The issue of the day was getting to/fro from Marina area...estimated 150,000 and more people at Marina...(this side of the island is sinking!!!)...

Still, I am sure it was lotsa fun for alot of people out there last night. For me, the highlight of the night was having the fireworks shooting right up to my eye level with a right-smack-in-your-face view and Moet & Chandon in hand... amazing shit...

Photo : Jester

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Love the pic!