Thursday, August 16, 2007


My ipod is screwed.

Been a faithful servant for 3 years...and it starts to go bonkers now...

Played every song for 3 seconds and skips ahead to the next song...restarted the whole thing, still dun work.

I shall proclaim it officially spoiled!

Now, a reason to buy a new one...Heh Heh Heh...

It is really difficult to go without a ipod, all my CD collections are in there, and assholes like me, wants to listen to any song any time imagine my frustration when it played out on me... arghhed!!! I am basically "musicless" now..untill i get my hands on a new one... without no life at all...

Photo : Yummy Yummy Yummy!


Anonymous said...

Your Ipod has "transformed" into a Ipod Shuffle!!


Steven said...

Have you tried restoring it using the iPod Software Updater? It's usually located in your utilities folder or through iTunes when you connect the ipod.

Hope this helps!

Keevy - 小明® said...

I don't think he has the intention of fixing it...he jus wan a new one! Hahaha

JackRedShoes said...

Steven..Shh..Shh..(I know, i know!) But Shhh... My whole idea is to get a new one...!!

Now see wat u have done...
