Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sad or Beautiful, You Decide


Canon by Pachelbel. People used it for weddings all the time. Used in a lot of movies and serials. It's suppose to be a lovely and romantic piece.

Love it since the day I heard it many years back...To me, this is a sad piece of music. There are just so much pain in it …especially when it gets faster, it seems to hurt more… hmmm….

Hope I am not the only one with this kinda interpretation for this piece. I guess art itself is very subjective. It is seen differently and judged differently by each individual people.

For example, the song "Starry Starry Night". Beautiful and romantic. Deep down, its such a sad song about Vincent van Gogh…the impression it gave people is that..WOW! Such a romantic song…BUT, when u look at the lyrics, its sad…

Guess music is really a important thing, and it affects a person's feeling and mood.

Photo : We never look down when we walk, and we often missed out alot of beautiful things below.

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