Monday, April 30, 2007

Process or Processed?

Picked up my New Identification Card last Saturday.

Ya, I am late by 1 year. Remembered Keeve was saying about getting the best photo for the new IC sometime back...and I just changed mine..I have been procrastinating. Dunno why also...

Anyway, the whole building was full of people!!! It felt like half the population of Singapore and all foreigners residing locally are there!! It's a big big turn off early in the morning...

Here's the conversation exchange between the lady behind the counter and myself when I collect my IC...(Pls note : She speak with zero emotion and expression on the face) :

"your Letter, old IC"

"Left thumb."

"Skin always Peel izzit?"

"No, just came back from cold country"~I offered a smile

No reaction from her.

"Right thumb. Stand Up. Easier to scan."

"Pay S$10 cash or nets."

"Sign, here, here, here and here"

"Left thumb"

"Right thumb"

"That's all."

Everything was over in less than 7 minutes.

I felt like I was processed instead of attended to. No smile, no emotion, no small talk from her. She worked like in a factory, processing products from the conveyer belt..."

How on earth can someone work like that?? You spent more than half a day at your work place, with this kinda attitude, approach..I dunno how to go on working.

Then again, I gave more thought into the whole scenerio, and you know what? I dun blame her. Not at all. Because, she is dealing and handling SINGAPOREANS day in and day out. I am sure she must have handled over 300 Singaporean per day, everyday in her work. I understand how she feels. I would have behaved the same way if I were in her shoes, attending to Singaporean everyday. I would be feeling suicidal if I were her..but she is there, working.

I am full of admiration for her now.. serving Singaporean, are among the top 5 worst human beings behavior in the's no joke. Singaporeans(I am ashame to say I am a Singaporean too) are, afraid to loose, afraid to die, wants everything free, wants everything first, unreasonable, rude, no social awareness, thinks too highly of themselves, tunnel visoin, no regards for others, the list just goes on and on and on...

Way to go Miss XXX!!! Welldone, and thank you for processing me like one of the 257 Singaporeans before me that day.

On a seperate note, one of my favorite place in Singapore would have to be the Royal Copenhagen Cafe in Takashimaya. It serves nice coffee, tea, pastries and food. The ambience is nice and not many Singaporeans hang there, so, manners are assured. BUT, Singaporean seems to have discovered that place recently...

There are a good number of typical Singaporeans(rude etc etc) in the cafe as I walked in last Saturday afternoon. You can tell immediately who are the Singaporeans at first glance. sigh.

I would go there on weekdays more often than weekends next time...

Photos : Coffe, mixed fruit cake and green tea cake from Royal Copenhagen cafe....It's just so so yummy....

Friday, April 27, 2007

Freedom of Expression

Leslie Kee.

Maybe you have not heard of him. But you definitely have seen his works before.

He is a Singaporean Photographer, based in Tokyo and New York. He had done lotsa celebrity phot shoots, for magazines, shows, playboy(Japan), Music CD covers, pictorial books etc etc. So, simply said, potrait is his area.

While in Tokyo, was very much tempted into buying one of his pictorial book for Koda Kumi.(very popular Japanese Singer at the moment). I must say, the first time, I saw the book cover in Kinokuniya in Singapore, I was amazed. I commented, "WOW! Nice! Very Nice!" And made a mental note to buy it from Tokyo when I am there(much cheaper there). But, somehow, I just did not buy...hahah!! Sometimes, things are funny...

His exhibition will be held in Singapore National Museum from Tomorrow to early May. Admission is free. Lotsa celebrities photos (Hong Kong, Japan, USA, Europe etc etc) will be exhibited. Pop by. Go take a look. It's nice.

He actually had a book with a collection of celebrities photos post in nude. This particular book and exhibition of his is banned in Singapore. I was quite surprise when I heard the news of the ban.

Here we are, building the Esplanade, wanted to develope Geylang into a Arts area, promoting arts and young talents, wanting to turn Singapore into a city of arts, and world class status. AND, guess what? We banned a great photographer's work, because of nudity content.

I don't know what to say. It's just so absurb. Arts is all about the freedom to express, without boundaries. But, WE restrict art to "no nudity". It does not matter what the reasons are for the ban, obvious genetials showing? Erected penis showing? wet Vagina? It does not explain and justify the ban.

Art should have not boundaries.

Wah Lan, I am really at a loss of words on what SINGAPORE did.

This just increase my dislike for this country. I know, this is a strong statement. But it's true. The only reasons I like this country is it's Safety, Food, Friends and places that let me meet/know all my friends in this life. That's it.

How does this fit in with Singapore's proclamations of openess, and plans to make Singapore a truly global, world-class city?

Aiyo, forget it "la"! Just keep on increasing the taxes and ensure every citizen remains rude can oready la. wat world class? world class kiasu and kiasi si bo? simi world class la?? we bery high class wat! siao.

Photo : Keys to unlocking freedom and openess??

Point Card? Straw?

I am into drinking milk everynight for the past 1 month.

Think It all started with gaeeting more calcium and building stronger bones...

So, in Singapore, I had been buying 2litre Meiji Milk and having it everynight. So while in Tokyo, it is the prefect place to buy milk. Fresh and amazingly yummy. Some of them are so fresh that you felt like you are drinking out form the cow's nipple..eeewww...those I cannot take it..(dun even get me started on the eggs...)

So, everynight, in Tokyo, I will walk into Newdays-24hrs convenient store, grab a pack of Morinaga Fresh Milk and check if there are new magazines publication(mostly porn-or should i say adult magazine. AND Japanese Manga as well!!).

The cashier are mostly ladies, some pretty, some not so..hmmm...anyway, they will always asked very politely in Japanese when you approach, do you have a point card? Do you need straw etc etc. EVERYNIGHT, without fail, they ask the same thing. haha! Polite, but a little robotic after sometime...haha!!! Still, I like it, compare to the rude people you find here...

Photo : Morinaga Milk, Yummy Yummy Yummy!!! MOooooooo!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Cheese Heaven

Ok, this little sinful bastard is heaven sent.

Produced by Shiseido of Japan. Yes, that Shiseido that make beauty products. They have a huge boutique in Ginza, which sells their own pastries, cakes, chocolates...and this...this..this cheese cake...

This cheese cake, available in small bite sizes, are simply wonderful. The cheese are is tastful, strong taste, but does not stick to your teeth. And you will not get sick by eating too many of it..and it ain't cheap for a single piece like this...

It felt like going up to the heaven(I know it's crowded up there, with people like Anthony Ler etc etc) whenever you chew on it...

ahhh.... only 1 last piece left at home...gonna jump on it when UsagiKiller is not around...heh heh heh...

Photo : The little sinful bastard...(photo not very well taken, cos it's from the camera in my phone)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Arts! Arts! Arts! Everywhere!

Here's another book I bought from Tokyo.

It basically shows and explains about the artistic Roppongi Hills, it's art pieces and also the artists involved.

On the cover is the ever famous Maman by Louise Bourgeois. Her sculpture is so distinctive, beautiful and natural that it stands out yet blends into the surrounding... Alot more art pieces are scattered across the entire Roppongi Hills, and mostly are detailed inside this book.

Of cos I took lotsa photos on Maman, but my only concern now is wether those photos are in the damaged CF card or not... cos Ib have not check thru all my photos yet...

I will post some up soon, I promise, once I can get thru this hell at work...

Photo : Arts, more arts in Roppongi...


Yesterday was my Birthday. Again.

According to the Lunar Calendar that is. ha! Apparently, the Lunar Calendar makes you older than the "Ang Mo" calendar...hmm...

Anyway, every birthday on the Lunar day, mum will always make "Mee Sua" with 2 eggs, meat and some vege. I was reminded by her last Sunday, that I must have it yesterday! Cannot forget, blah blah blah blah..on she goes and goes and goes...

UsagiKiller made the Mee Sua this year...her first outing..pretty good. Not too shabby... she kept glancing over at my bowl while I am eating.. i felt that my life is in danger when she does that...So I ask her.."What you looking at???" She replied that she worried I am not gonna finish her hard work... I became more suspicious... In all chinese movies..when the women tried to poison the guy with poison in their food, they always make sure the guy finishes all the food..and he dies shortly... now I am worried... Some chinese poison, after taking it, involves you dying after walking 7 steps...

Well, I am still alive after walking 7 steps..just went ot the toilet a few times after dinner...guess UsagiKiller's portioned too little of the poison... good luck next year!

Photo : Mee Sua!! With 2 hard boiled eggs!! And invisible, tasteless, odourless poison!! Yummy!!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

上戸 彩

She have been popular for awhile. Still going strong at this young age.

Got to know her from her serial "Attention Please!" some time back.

She is the cute rocker, boyish gal trying to be JAL's aire stewardess. Really funny and so adorable. She too have this habit of pouting lips, and it's so so cute! ~it seems like I have this thing for pout lips...~

Her new Show "Hotelier" airs this month in Japan too. Really cannot wait to see this particular show...hahah!!

Of cos, I cannot miss the chance of grabbing one of her pictoria when in Tokyo. So, happily enjoying this book now, amazed by her natural self and the photographer's skill.

Seriously, the skills of Japanese photographers are amazing. Looking at all the pictorials available in their market, and the quality of photos in the magazines, you can't help but wonder how come Japanese are such good photographers.

I chanced upon a exhibition for a photo competition by Japanese photographers in Fuji Film Tower in Roppongi. Lotsa amazing works on display from Japanese photographers, some famous, some amateurs, but all amazing. UsagiKiller asked me how I felt after seeing the exhibition(she was there too), I told her I felt suicidal. VERY VERY SUICIDAL. Their works are out of this world.

Photo : Top - Cover of the Pictorial. So natural so sweet...
Below - See her lips...her lips... ahhh.....


Ok, this IS Jack's Favorite at the moment.

She is simply adorable, sweet and gorgeous...haha!!!

Got to know her, 3 months back, from the serial Nodame Cantabile. She of cos is the female lead, by the name of Megumi Noda. People called her Nodame for short. She is simply adorable..her pouting lips..aiyo!! I always melt when she does that... She plays a talented, filthy, never shower kinda student in the show. In real person, she plays piano too.. how not to impress and like her???

Of cos, how can Jack missed the opportunity to acquire her one and only pictorial book when in Tokyo. Her pictorial is not about nude and bikinis, it's more sweet than sexy. Great photography skill of cos, looking at the whole hardcover coffee table book.

She is appearing in almost any possible magazine on the newstand in Japan, that you can think of. She is somehow THE HOT PROPERTY now. Saw her interview on TV morning show while in TOkyo..she is as cute in the show as she is in person. Kawaii!!!!

Her new show airs in Japan on 15 April, god knows when it will reach our shores...

Photo : Top, cover of her Pictorial book, titled "A Piacere", which trys to say "At the pleasure or discretion of the performer" In the musical sense.
Below, one of her photo in the book.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Version 3.1

Ok, I was in Tokyo on this day, April 7.

I have to date back to this date, cos my system officially upgrades to version 3.1 on this day.

It's a significant day...

It's this instance...when system got functions slower, hardisk space gets lesser, hangs more easily, quit applications unexpectedly, needs to "off" the power more than lower versions... consumes more power...

Well, there's good there's seems like bad out-weights the goods... well anyway, life moves on!!

On this day, In Tokyo, I woke up early morning about 7am, hit the streets with the papers, my trusty camera, had a coffee at "Art Coffee", roam around the streets firing off from my camera. Nice weather and beautiful people around this city. I simply love it. Guess that is the reason for this annually trip here...

For upcoming entries, I will show some photos that I took there and little stories, thoughts to go with it...

On a side track..I brought 3(1 x 2GB, 2 x 1GB) Compact Flash Memory Cards for my camera on this trip. On the second last day of this of the 1 GB memory card failed on me! I effectively lost over 200 shots(Some from Roppongi Hills, all from Daikanyama, some from Odaiba). Yes, I am totally pissed. I ended with about 950 shots by end of this trip, losing 200 over(which should bring my efforts to 1150 and over). I am totally upset and in a dangerous mood. Lucky I have some of these places on Video...arghhed!! The brand of the memory card is Kingston. Yes, I will never trust this brand anymore. Thank you! Arghed!!

Now, I am trying to adjust and clear some work, so that I can have some time to update this blog with some photos... pls be patience and hold on to all your poisonous comments untill then..haha!!

Photo : Papers(with today's date on it), Coffee, Camera, Cigis(hidden from photo), these basically sums up 90% of my life.

The other 10%?


Thursday, April 05, 2007


Got my Birthday Pressie from Barney and Princess Mellie today.

I simply love it! It's a Hermes tie!

These gals really know my preference! It's gonna be my second Hermes tie and I will have it grace my neck when I am back from Submerging...

Thank you my beautiful ladies! I will give Barney less work to do in view of this...hahahaha!!!

Pboto : Yeah! New Hermes Tie!!


Finally, 1 more day of work before a break..

I really need this...

The amount of stress and work are driving me nuts...

I guess i would be thinking about work the whole time during the break as well...argh! that would be so disgusting...But I am sure that would happen...

Main mission this time will be photographs... I am sure I will be taking loads of photos over the next 9 days... and i could't be happier...

I am gonna miss Liverpool's return Champion's League match against PSV next week..althought Reds are virtually can never be sure untill the final whistle...

With the English title off, the only silver ware would be the European Championship... to be the 6th Time Champions of Europe...

Enjoy the weekend and I will see all of you again after Emerging late next week...

Photo : Illegal parking...?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

So Fast...

Just did a farewell.

It was short notice. Very short.

The feeling is tough to describe..

There's sadness, happiness(for her), eagerness, confusion...etc etc...

I am not good with farewell..and I dread farewell...

Welcomes are much easier...

No matter what, the sadness is there.

Good luck.

Photo : People come, people fast...

Winds of Change


2 announcements today...

Shocking ones...good and bad...

Well, we just have to see how some individual adjust to these changes.. The problem with me is that I am a positive person. Too positive.

Changes can be bad, can be good, but i accept it face on and adjust to it, make the best out of it... alot of people resists to changes. They simply hate it.. I think in such instances, the individual will not grow and see things from newer perspective. They just keep on doing the same thing day in, day out.

Let's move on and work on a newer frontier.

Photo : The "Big Boss" is in town...???

Monday, April 02, 2007

First Pressie

Got my first birthday present for this year.

The exact date is this Saturday, 7 April. I will not be "home" tho, will submerged and having yummy Buta in Ginza!!

The pressie came really early, but it's something that I am dying to own!!

Steve McCurry's Looking East(Portraits)!! I simply love Steve McCurry and his portraits..those eyes of the people he enchanting...amazing...

A big thanks to all the ladies in the office for this amazing pressie!!

Thank you and I love you all!!

Photo : THE PORTRAIT MASTER...Steve McCurry...

Wii Have A Problem...

Nintendo launched a very innotative Video Game console last Nov.

It is selling like hotcakes..the reason? Innovative gameplay.

You take the wireless controller(shaped like a TV remote-only much cooler), swing about the controller like how you would in real life. For example, when you play take the controller and swing it forward like how you would do bowling.. when you play Golf, you swing the controller like a Gold Club...

So, I was playing this innovative console over a friend's place last Saturday, after celebrating Reds thrashing the Gunners.

We played bowling. Cool.

Moved on to Golf, Love it!

Than came tennis...

I swung the controller so smashing a ball.. and i..fucking twisted my right arm, dislocating it the 3rd time!!! Fuck. FUCK. FUCK!

The pain and shock was tremendous... somehow, the dislocated shoulder went back into position after 5 mins...when everyone was panicking, getting ready to go to the hospital...

Nothing much the doctor can do...just have some muscle relaxer..and let the sore heal...

That confirms my inability to own this innovative console...too much "action" for my fragile arm... Guess I have to stick to PS3...


Photo : What is he dragging?