Friday, February 23, 2007

My Pet, My Sperm

You know my love for all things Japanese.

Here's a new creation that will be kinda gross yet interesting.(see photo below).

This little thing here..let's you..take care of your Sperm, yes Sperm, like how you would any pets. What you do is, eject your sperm onto it, it will keep and take care of your sperm like a pet. You can see it swim and work around. Just like a pet. And, you can even have 2 different sets of sperm fighting against each other, like how a pair of Fighting Fish would...

Not sure how many days it can hold your little soldiers..but it would be interesting... It is currently a very popular thing in Japan. Very very "in" thing now...

Yes, I would be very interested to hunt down one of these when I visit Tokyo again...


Photo : Flowers to brighter up our day...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Final Fantasy III


Finally managed to get hold of this set o 7 figurines from SquareEnix.

It's really hard to come by here in Singapore. Apparently most shops have only limited sets and pre-orders have to be made. It took me awhile to finally hunt down one full set.

In some countries(Singapore included) the prices for these set of 7 have been marked up so high(demand vs supply problem) that it's at least double of what is being asked for in Japan. BUT, people still but them because of how hard it is to get hold of them.

I din know it will be such a hot item, came across it in sometime back in a regular monthly Japanese Hobby magazine, under the "upcoming" column, and thought "I must have them". When I start asking/looking around, then did I realise that everybody is looking for a set!

If you are still hunting for a set, good luck!

Photo : The 7 jobs classes in the Final Fantasy III Figures...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dun Werk

Today is a inauspicious day for us Dragons to start werk.

So, I took Leave and stay home...Check emails from this considering werking? haha!

The whole point is that we dun stepped into the office and start working, It's not auspicious for the Dragons today. So here I am, sitting at home, working on my mac, chekcing emails, surfing porn etc etc.. hahaha!! Gonna hit tonw shortly, been spening too much time in Hyrule for the past dew days...brain cells are all damanged...need rest...

Photo : Working from home... See THE CHEESE PINEAPPLE TARTS on the left? yummy!!! With's a sure winner...

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


UsagiKiller have been complaining about not have any ouput from her bowel since 2 days ago(she constantly have this problem)...

And guess what, she is down with non-stop action from her bowel today. It was so bad that we have to go a 24hrs clinic early morning and get things some Doctor's advice. She is down with food poisoning..well, I am fine..hmmm.. wonder what she ate that I missed...

Sometime, you better dun complain that you are not getting could end up in a not so positive way...

Photo : Good Luck tradition... It will go after the 15th day of the Lunar New Year...

Monday, February 19, 2007

Ba Kwa

These little fellows are evil from hell...

They are so so so yummy and tasty that you simply cannot stop eating. Once you pop them into ya mouth, you cannot stop!

The thing is..they are extremely high in cholesterol and fats. Damn bloody heaty and will sure to cause a sore throat within a day. BUT, we simply love it. We would always have either Beer or Tea to go with it...

When you think carefully, it's actually a scary thing, these Ba Kwas...on what it actually is and the preparation that is involved... well, some things are better not said!!

Sorethoat, here I come!!

Photo : Evil in disguise...THE Ba Kwa...

Amethyst Cheese Pineapple Tarts

Every year, during the Lunat New Year period..

UsagiKiller and myself would always go to Takashimaya and purchase a particular kind of Pineapple Tarts.

The Cheese, Pineapple Tarts from Amethyst. Their biz is always so good every Lunar New Year...long queues and long lists of orders...We would usually buy a few and consume them at a furious rate..hahaha!! Yes, it's that nice. The little bite size of pineapple tarts, with the outer layer coated with cheese...wah lan... simply cannot resist... We placed an order for 5 boxes this year..2 for our own raping and the others as give aways. A particular "mother-In-Law' loves this tarts as much as we do, she can finish it within one night after dinner...

I would say, this is our personal favorite Goodies over the Lunar New Year period.

Next, the Ba Kua.


Photo : THE Pineapple Tarts....**drooooooool**

Red Red Packets

Every year, kids are looking forward to Lunar New Year.

For 3 reasons.

1 - The food.

2- The Holidays.

3- The most important the Red Packets.

Well, everyone of us goes out "earning" during the Lunar New Year...but as we grow older, the earning became a tradition that you would appreciate. The interesting fact is that as you grow older, you are more found of giving away Ang Baos(when you are eligible to) than receiving it, althought it is a costly affair. I guess I felt happy giving it away to the kids, it felt good... hmm..sign of growing old???

Every year, judgement would also passed down on which are the best Ang Baos that we came across in the market. Well, this year, according to me, these 5 Ang Baos in the Photos are the best.

Photo : Ang Bao (Top Left) DBS Bank, ABN AMRO, Ritz-Carlton. (Bottom Left) ABN AMRO Private Bank, ING Bank.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Gong Xi Fa Cai!!

We are into the year of the Fire Pig!!

Everyone will be hoping for a fat piggy year come the 12 lunar months ahead!!

Lotsa visiting and "entertaining" for the few days ahead. I am sure lotsa gambling too...well, not for me...I am a sure looser at the gambling i refrained.

Let's enjoy the food and the goodies that is stocked up in our house and gain ridiculous weight over this 15 days of the Lunar New Year period!!

Photo : Happy Lunar New Year!!!!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Oink Oink

A few more days to the year of the Fire Pig.

This Sunday will be the first day of the new Chinese Lunar New Year.

Every year, i follow some of the believes of the New Year. The most important one for me is in terms of business.

For this year, the excellent day to commence work/business for most people are will be on the 21 Feb 2007(the 4th Day of Lunar New Year). But, the morning hours of 7am - 12 noon is inauspicious. If possible, start your business/work before or after taht hour. Hoever, for this day, it is totally not auspicious for those born in the year of the Dragon.

I have a chart that also states what is the most auspicious colours to wear each day for work over the Lunar New Year period, and it stated on the 4th day(21 Feb) that it is NOT GOOD for the Dragon.

THUS, I will have to start work on the 22nd Feb(5th Day of the Lunar New Year). Best time is between 815am to 845am.

I follow this faithfully every year, and there was a particular year that I came back to "on" my PC and work for 1 hour or so, cos it's the good day and it also happen to be a public holiday. Haha!

This year, for Dragons, it's to ensure smooth sailing in bis, do avoid weddings, child's 1 month celebration, wake and also newly births. So anyone who invites me to any of the above, please pardon me.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Volantynys Day

A lovely Valentines Day to all my love ones.

The traditional love items are chocolates and flowers. I am sure alot of you will receive either or both. Enjoy the special day and love is all around.

"For this was on seynt Volantynys day
Whan euery bryd comyth there to chese his make"

Photo : Chinese dolls, brides and grooms...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven.

Everybody knows him.

Simply loves and adores his Symphony #7.

It starts off as a slow introduction, the first movement is in sonata form and is dominated by lively dance-like rhythms.

The second movement is "slow", although the tempo marking is Allegretto (translatable as "a little quickly") so it is only slow compared to the other three movements. This movement is very popular and my favorite!!

The third and last movement is a scherzo, trio and sonata form respectively.

I pratically listens to this everynight...thank goodness UsagiKiller enjoys it as well..wonder if the neighbours finds it too noisy at times... but it's beautiful. If only life is as beautiful as this...

Photo: Look at all the colours of the Chopsticks!!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Sergei Rachmaninov

Sergei Rachmaninov.

Russian composer, pianist, and conductor, one of the last great champions of the Romantic style of European classical music.

He went into depression in the late 1890s...and stop writting musice for years.

He began a course of therapy with psychologist Nikolai Dahl, who himself was an amateur musician; Rachmaninoff quickly recovered from his depression. Throught his recovery process, he wrote the Piano Concerto No. 2 (1900–1901), which was dedicated to Dr. Dahl. His greatest work after recovery..

The piece started slow and sorrowful, then progress thru to a more lively mood... It is absolutely a beautiful piece of work. I simply cannot stop listening to it..the mood and the emotion it puts you thru... it's amazing. Nothing short of perfection... I cannot imagine listening it at the concert hall.. tears will flow down for sure...

Music of such class often reminds one of the real meaning of "Music". It sets your emotion flowing.. It is almost impossible to find real music these days...

Photo : Gimme light...

Friday, February 09, 2007

Fire vs Paper

Some things can never be kept a secret.

In fact, many secrets cannot be kept. It will all be out the moment a second human being knows about it.

No matter how much the human being promise you that they will keep it a safe secret, will bring it to the gave with him/her etc etc... the next moment, the whole town knows about it... Well kept indeed.

As the chinese saying goes, paper can never wrap around the fire.

But if you look at it, no such people around, no rumors will spread and inturn, no juicy gossips will happen. And being a human, we all love a good juicy gossip!

Often, the rumor will go from true, to spice-up truth, to half-true, to all-false as it moves from people to people. Amazing stuffs!

For example...

A tells B "Hey! secret! Jack had hot sex with Jill"(Truth)

B tells C "Aye! Secret! Jack & Jill had been having a affair and lotsa sex!"(Half-Truth)

C tells D "Wow! Secret! Jill is pregnant with Jack's baby!"(All-False)

D tells E "Ha! Someone caught Jack & Jill fucking in a carpark, and apparently, Jill is pregnant and Jack refuse to own it!"(Where did that came from??)

Wow, amazing chain of stories, no?

So I was not suprise when I start hearing things flying all over the place and sometimes are very far from the actualy truth.

Photo : Rock & Roll on!!!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Rainbow Bridge

One of my favorite Japanese Singer, Emi Fujita sang a song titled Rainbow Bridge. Emi's english pronunciation is perfect, so don't expect that kinda half-fuck Japanese sing English songs kinda artist. Her vocal is really good... among the best audiophile in the world...

Rainbow Bridge have a very meaningful story behind the lyrics, I have below the story. If you wanna know the exact lyrics, go google it.

Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of Heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here,
that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends
so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine and
our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor;
those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again,
just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing:
they each miss someone very special, someone who was left behind.

They all run and play together,
but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.
His bright eyes are intent; his eager body begins to quiver.
Suddenly, he breaks from the group, flying over the green grass, faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet,
you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.
The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head,
and you look once more into those trusting eyes,
so long gone from your life, but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together

To listen, go this link

Photo : Somebody pls knock down the wall...

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Winds of Change

Big changes are coming and is happening now.

The shift in power is happening.

Every possible clown that is in the list is lusting after it. People tend to give themselve too much credit when they dun deserve anything... it's really funny to see this whole scenerio now... You will get to see people sucking the wrong dick and some sucking the right one yet fail ultimately(maybe they dun swallow?) haha! We will know whose's dick is worth sucking end of the whole saga...

I am sure the good will emerge victorious after the whole musical chair... we await with curiosity and eagerness...

Photo : Red Flowers everywhere....

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

If only...

Yes, it's gotta be the Taxis of Singapore again...

Here's what happened...

I stood in line, waiting for the cab, it came. Before I could do anything, the driver get off the cab, opened the door for me, help me with my briefcase, assured that I have put on my safety belt. He then asked me if I would like any cold drinks as he have a foam box with cold drinks at the booth of the car. I said that would not be necessary.

He got up the car, asked if I prefer chinese of english music, i took my pick. He then asked me where I am going, I told him my destination. He ran thru with me how(the route) he would be taking. I said that's fine and he started moved the car.

Upon reaching my destiny, he got off the cab and opened the door for me, thank me and I paid him. He smiled and wish me a great day ahead.

Nice huh?


Of cos the above story only happened in my imagination. But i hope this can happen someday. Here.

I watched a very very touching and moving "music" Japanese serial last night. The orchestra scene is so so beautiful that I "rewind" the DVD and watched that scene again. Amazing stuffs. The Japanese are really good in making such wonderful serial...

Photo : I love the colour of this flower...more like a vegetable to me...hahah!! Very much wanted to crop of the top portion of the photo, the darker part, but decided against after.

Friday, February 02, 2007

24hrs Not Enuff

Time is running too fast.

Insufficient time to use per day.

I never thought this would happen to me. But it is happening now.."24hrs a day is not enuff" There!

There are just so much thing that needs to be done, yet, there are so little time to do it... As we grow older..time goes by at a faster rate as well... we are already in Feb!! Wah!! lat thing I remember, we were looking forward to X'mas 2006...and now..Chinese Luna New Year is just weeks away!!!

Please...time is moving past us too fast... Need to speed up too... I am losing more than I am gaining each day...must maximize the time...

This weekend...Merseyside Derby, Hyrule..enuff to occupy my time...

I watched a 30 mins preview of the latest Karmen Rider Movie from Japan last night. Titled Karmen Rider : The First. Absolutely stunning work. It is very stylishly done and filmed. Very cool. If you have a passion for Karmen Rider, go grab it. I had a full set of the old Karmen Rider movies in DVD and have no time to finish it yet...

Time..gimme me more time...

Photo : The 12 animals that made up the Chinese believe. I am a Dragon. A Fire Dragon. Born sharp at the hottest hour of the day, 12noon.