Thursday, April 27, 2006

Life rushes by

The cool(16 degree) windy afternoon street is full of people. Weekdays, weekends. Beautiful people. Men. Women, Children, Teenages...

Strolling along this unfamiliar street, beautiful building, lightings...

Stopped infront of this cafe...New Yorkers Cafe.. what a odd name for a cafe to be in this country.

Got myself a cuppa, sat in the cafe, grab the ash tray, took out the cigis. Sat back and enjoy the view of the beautiful people in the cafe, people rushing by their life outside the cafe. Like you and me.

Sit down, don't rush. Just watch and relax.

You should do this once a week. Alone.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Always There

The first time I saw her, was at 7am on a Saturday morning, on my way to work. She is sitting at the pavement below my residence's block. I returned home at 3pm and she is still sitting at the same place. She looks dirty, tired and have a deep glaring pair of eyes.

The second time I see her, she is sitting at the bench below my residence block, staring into blank air.

Subsequently, I see her at 8am, 9pm, 11pm, 1am etc etc, almost the whole day I will see her. She is always there. Looking at me and others walking past. Never utter a word. Just staring.

Almost every day I will see her.

One time, I came back from the airport, about 2am in the morning... I saw her standing behind a pillar, long flowy hair and have half her head revealed from behind the pillar, staring at me. My heart stop for 2 seconds.

Recently, she is sitting at the playground, staring. Must be mentally prepared coming home everyday. If not, my heart is gonna stop permanently one day.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

A Cup of Happinness

A Cup of Happiness.

Every morning. Same time. Your body asked for that happiness.

Your soul, you mind, you heart yearns for it everyday.

What a difference a cup makes. A small little cup.

The happiness it brings, takes away your worries, your illness.

It enlightens your senses, and mind. It wakes you up and gives you answers.

It makes you feel loved and in love. It will give you hope for the day ahead.

You cannot see life without it.

A cup of happiness.

A cup of coffee.

(by the way, all the photos you see here are a product of yours truly after a cup of happiness. DO NOT USE THE PICTURES IN ANY PORN OR TEENAGE-I-LOVE-BOY-BAND-WHO-THE-LEAD-SINGER-IS-SO-CUTE WEBSITES WITHOUT MY PERMISSION! I will take your eyes off and eat your legs)

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Think Carefully....

If you are unsure about the present

and you are even more confused

when you contemplate the future

go ahead to think about the past

Examining those memories

will lead you to an important decision

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Brainless Suicide

A couple of months back, there was this raging debate and war in the internet forum pages about JC & Poly students.

It all started when a JC student claimed that they are smarter in everyway compare to a Poly student. That JC student go on to say that JC students do better in General Paper, Maths, Science blah blah blah and that they will have better future and far more superior status in the society compare to a Poly Student.

The Poly students of cos tried explaining to the intelligent JC students, in a mature manner, that it is simply untrue and that kind of senseless remarks were totally unacceptable.

The battle rages on and on and it hit the Straits Time Home page with a big report spread about the whole incident.

Well, the below is the headline in Straits Time Home page dated 21 April 2006 :

JC Student kills himself, convinced his private parts are too small.

JC Student : Does the above explain your intelligence level?

Poly Student : Crack the booze and have a good laugh.

The truth is out.

Friday, April 21, 2006


What kinda person am I?

What do I like, dislike?


Should I say a 11 years old trapped in the body of a 30 years old?(well, i do hope that it is the other way around!)

I like things that a young man will like... but I am sure the young man will like what i like too...(hey! you discovered girls yet?? heh heh heh)

I like to have a brother. See carefully and my little eventful life is surrounded by women since young, good or bad, you judge. Always wanted a brother since young, can SHARE the same interest, the same thinking, the same girlfriend~(then again), and all the things that brothers will talk about.

Try explaining to a woman why booze, cigis and soccer are the perfect combination at any given night.

No luck.

iMac, FFVII, 24, MGS, Soccer, Booze, Cigis, Women, Rock, Books, Sausages, Photography, Sleep, Yawn, Stretch, Dawn, Dusk, Mushmallow, Chocolates, Pork Belly, M&C, Chili, Yu Yamada, Red, Offspring, Tibu...

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Radio Ga Ga

Who listens to radio broadcast/programs these days?

You do? Why do you listen to radio programs? FOR SONGS OF COURSE!!

I have not listened to radio programs for a long long time(years actually), and I "accidentally" switched on the radio again recently. This particular channel claims that they are a "More songs, Less talk" channel and they will always bring you the latest songs.

Well, how exciting.

So there I was, sitting there for 20 mins listening to the "more songs, less talk, always new songs" radio channel. The DJ talked for the first 5 mins, then he played a Barry Manilow song that lasted for about 5 mins and he started talking for another 10 mins, then advertisements came in, followed by games that sounded like they are gonna last for 1 hour before they will end...

I switched off the radio.

Still junk after all these years.

Back to my trusty ipod.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Big Bad Wolf had sex with Snow White

Recently, I was engaged in this comic book called "Fables" written by Bill Willingham. It was the 1st American comic book I have picked up since 6 years ago. This is not your typical men-in-underwear-flying-around-saving-your-arse kinda book. It's story concept is fabulous. Very tight story writting.

All your childhood fairy tales, from Cinderella, Snow White, Wizard of Oz, Big Bad Wolf, Jack and Jill to even Prince Charming are all involve in this huge story. All this "fables" are being exiled out off their homeland by an invading force. Guess where all these fairy tale legends goes to for hiding... Modern New York. Yes, they set up a community in New York and the whole fun and excitement starts off from there. It is the perfect book to read at night before you sleep or sitting in your favorite sofa in a rainy day with a cup of warm coffee.

This series have won 5 Eisner Awards.(Eisner Awards are the Oscar of Comic).

Go check it out, you will love it.(please note that it's for adults only as there are mature themes)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Depression, Please Stand Up

How do we know we have depression?

We think too much and too deep? We cry suddenly? We think of possibilities(usually negative)? We feel suicidal and not belong to this world?

All of the above, perhaps.

When one is going thru depression or suspected depression, the most important thing is the person who they care about are with them and see them thru. Depression can be from since young, can be all of a sudden due to various reasons.

You start to get worry for no reason, you suspects weird things, you think the world is coming to a end, you do not want to live anymore...

The most important antidote for a person suffering from depression is love and care.

Be there for them, love them and take good care of them.

Guide them thru.


Monday, April 17, 2006

Mr & Mrs Tomato

Was at a lounge, enjoying some nice wine and a lady & gentleman took my attention away.

The lady went up to the bar counter, took a 2 glasses of Bloody Mary, grab 2 celery stick and cheerfully went back to her sit to enjoy her beverage of choice with Mr.

Within 2 mins, she got up again and went over to the counter again to have another glass of Bloody Mary. The 4th glass follows approximately 1 min and 54 seconds later. 5th glass took her less than 3 mins. 8th glass came even before i could figure out what happen to the 6th & 7th glass. In all, Mr & Mrs Tomato had more than 12 glasses of Bloody Mary between them. And all this happen before i could finish my 1 glass of wine.

It's amazing how obsessive one can be with their object of desire. Especially food. Wonder what will happen if they love Durians...

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Life Goes On

Today is a special day for you


you celebrate

joyous day

a new born

an anniversary


Today is a sad day for you


you lost



your life


2 different people

2 different today

Saturday, April 15, 2006

Service U & Me

In the service industry, good and bad services are often the talking points and the main focus of many operations.

If you are in the service industry, chances are you either love your job to death or you are there to pass time. Both possibilities will make the difference of good service.

You provide excellent services from your heart and your customers will appreciate your attentiveness and genuine care. You tell yourself that you gave the best services to all your guests and clients, you are humble and receptive, you are flexible and caring. You gave good service. You are happy and proud.

But what happens when you, your excellent-service self, encounter bad services? Are you understanding and nice? Or do you simply turn into a villain and a monster and gave your "Fellow Service-Providers" hell, being rude to them, claim that they have poor service and maybe even look down on them.

Me? I believe being nice to anyone and everyone, even though they rendered the worst possible service I have ever received. I will not be rude, all I will do is simply not go back to the shop again. Simple as that.(well, you can bitch about it and spread the poor service you received to your friends)

If you are trying to impress the ladies around you by giving the server a hard time, and showed that you are so great and knew so much and should be well taken care of, and hope that all your friends will think that you are great and will look upon you. Well, you are wrong. Let me tell you a secret, you have successfully turned off the ladies around you.

You may work in a better and more prestigious organization, you are a Director, CEO, Managing Director, that does not make you a more superior human being. In life, one must always be humble. The server that you don't give a fuck about might just turn out to be your BOSS one fine day. Then, you are fucked.

Take your pick :

1) rude, arrogant, ill mannered.


2) humble, easy and happy.

Be a Lady and a Gentleman, do not do to other what you do not want upon yourself.

(if you think the above sounds familiar, well yes, i AM talking about you)

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Urban Mice in Maze

I felt like a mouse running along the streets this morning. The whole town is like a big well planned maze for us, mice, to run and play around with.

The high-rise commercial buildings are like the big walls that block your path at every corner turn.

We run around, thinking we have something to pursue and achieve at the end of the day. Do we really? Or are we just trying to get a better life out of what we are doing everyday?

I do not want to run around the maze forever. I want to go out of the maze and back to the nature.

Organised and routine life versus natural and simple life, what's your choice?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Mess mEss meSs mesS

Its a mess,mess,mess~~!!

Felt like a mess today.

Agitated, jumpy, frowning, irritated, breathless.


All is in a mess!!!!!!!

ARGH. Mess!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Day of Birth

Happy birthday, dearest one,
Sweet child of my heart!
We've become one family,
Of which you are a part.
And so I sing out equally
To all of those who are
Mine by blood or fortune blessed,
No more, no less my star!

We are one in love and joy,
In fondness and in worth,
And so as one we celebrate
This day, your day of birth!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Clone the Future

Reproduction Without Sex Is Cloning.

Will the above be the future of human?

The population growth on the earth is slowing down. So slow that it has become concern to some nation. Measures are being taken to ensure that more babies are on the way. Monetary incentives, education support, tax rebates etc.

The measures help.

But did it produce the right KIND of new generation population and talents that we hope to achieve?

Would we need to clone humans for the future to ensure that we have the right quality that we seek?

Cloning have been a constant R&D for many scientist and government for as far as we can remember. Do we really need that? Perhaps, cos the right ones are not giving. The wrong ones keep producing.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Was listening to 刘文正 today.

It's unimaginable that some voice can last thru the years and decades. His songs and voice simply brings back the olden days and feelings...these are the songs that will last thru many generations and will be covered by many new artist who want to be famous and think that they will by covering something that's already proven.

What happen to orginality and creativity. Good composed music, lyrics, and voice?? What's with all the Yo~Yo~Yo~ song and weird lyrics and stupid looking hairstyle and makeups and breast selling???? Sigh...

Ode to wonder voice.

Will likes of Jay Chow and Britney Spears be remembered in year 2012? If yes, for whatever reason i wonder....

Friday, April 07, 2006

From Version 2.9 to 3.0

In 2.5 hours time, I will be official upgraded to Male Age Version 3.0

What are the program differences from Version 2.9 and lower to Version 3.0??

Lots of difference.

For one, when you sign up for any application form(jobs, credit cards, memberships etc) you put in the age column as :
AGE ~ 30. No more 25, 28, 29 whatever.

You body get slower, it grows older.
You brain get slower and more stooooopid as the version increases(imagine Version 6.2!).
You run slower, you jump shorter distances.
You try not to walk so much.
You talk less(more grumpy somehow).
You cannot like cartoons & toys anymore.
Your music taste change from BlackEyePeas to Steve Tyrell.
You start drinking Wine, champagne, Whiskey & Martini, no more beer.
You start to get horny when you see young girls in their bikini..(well, all Male Age Versions have this bug, it just corrupts faster as version increases)
You system Crash faster at night.

Somethings that will never change irregardless of versions :

True & Life long friends.
With their support, encouragement, understanding, you go thru life.
you know you will have them there to fall back on when the road gets tough and bumpy.
They will slap you to wake you up if they have to.
They share all you happiness, sadness, and DARK secrets.
What will I do without your support and encouragement.

PS:/Gay Partner & Bro ( ) , its been 17 long and fabulous Years. Version 1.3 to 2.9 days are fun! You are just over 2 months shy of Version 3.0. Lets look forward to version 3.0 to 3.9 and we will have this conversation again during version 4.0! With lotsa champagne and teen girls in bikini!! (somethings never change! hahahahah!!)

More clolurful versions ahead!!

Thank you.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Something for you

Let Our Virtures Equates :

Joy, Objective, Courage, Empathy.

Love You


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Past Present Future

Recently, this really good brother of mine(anything but blood related), who is having his fabulous collection of Japanese toys(not those blow up rubber sex dolls) up for sale in ebay(not selling his wife tho, not yet at least...). This collection of his have been with him for 10 years and he finally made a decision to sell it off. I asked him to keep it for memories and old times sake, but his reply was : "The time will come when parting is inevitable" In parting, what are we left with from times past to cherish?

This triggered a thought: What do we pass down to our future generations??

What will our children know or understand about our past? What we used to play, what we used to eat, where we used to go.
Will they repeat our mistakes? Will they follow our paths? Will they understand us from this century and time?

What do we have for our children of the future? We pass down our genes, our thoughts and values. Anything less complicated than these? Simple things? What happen to the beauty of simple things in life?

Starring at a simple Yashica Film Camera that belongs to my old man during his younger days, sets me thinking, what kind of young man was he then? What was he doing in his teenager days, 20s, 30s? How many galfriends he had then(alot i am sure)? where do they hang out? Where have he been with this camera? What goes past the shutter of this camera? A simple camera from the past triggers many complicated questions. What will i think of when i see the books he read, the toys he played, the watches he wore, the wallets he carried...? Those things past would probably help me understand my old man better over his different stages in life, which might help in less clash of opinion and generation gap now??

(In another pespective, what will the camera think when it was been thrown or sold away one day? Will the camera felt ditched? Unwanted? Lonely? Will it miss it's original owner? Will it wept in silent?)

Often, simple things in life that would mean alot to a person are usually overlooked and forgotten. Untill it's too late.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Music R' Us

It's everywhere. Its in the air and it's all around us.
I have different music/songs that defines different points in my life.
The furthest I could remember that very first song which i choose to listen to under my own free will(nursery rhymes and the DoReMe songs don't count because they are forced into my system) was probably Bon Jovi's "Never Say Goodbye" in 1986.
From there came many more Bon Jovi's...and it was no turning back when Guns N' Roses pay a visit to my cassette tape player with "Sweet Child O' Mine" in 1987.
That was when music(commercial? hardcore?) entered my lfe. It never did let go, certain songs are stuck with you for a certain period in your life, those defining moments, good memories, sad ones and many more feelings that you would "acquire" in life. When a certain song plays in the air, you stop to listen and recalls the memories that you as a individual have for that song.

Here are a few of what defines some moments for me...

The Nolans/I am in the mood for dancing - Loving couple getting back on track from edge of divorce.
Coldplay/Yellow - Lonely
Bic Runga/Sway - In love
New Order/Bizarre Love Triangle - Party and drunken days
Bob Marley/Turn your lights down low - Military days
Offspring/Living in Chaos - Finding a wife and getting married(chaotic!!)
Bon Jovi/It's My Life!! - The picture above defines it for me.

What are your memories?
What songs reminds you of that special someone, somewhere, special moments, or the wife you are trying to get rid of??
(try ebay if you intend to sell your wife...)

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Stop. take a look around you. look up in the sky. Enjoy the clear blue sky.
Look beyond the wires, the high rise buildings, look to the clouds, to the sky.
Let the busy street and people run by you. Breathe the air, breathe YOUR air.

Nothing is worth to be in rush. Enjoy your time.