Friday, August 31, 2007

New Ink Part One

Got new ink.

90% done, need to go back for the finaly blue lining and touch up. Goes around almost my entire left calf. Well, i would love to say that it din hurt at all.... BUT..truth is..IT DOES.

Somehow, this time, it hurts more than the one at my left shoulder back... Especially the upper part of the calf...

Friend did a great job. Precise and no overrun of the lines. It is not a easy one to do..he totally shagged out after 80mins... Hahah!!! Took about 3hrs...

Overall, I love it. Simply beautiful.

There are of cos people in this world who cannot accept this kinda art. To them, its like a hooligan etc etc. Well, we are in the 20th Century now. Not 1960s. Open up ya mind and enjoy the beauty!

Photo : It goes around the calf, so try to match both the photos together and you about get the idea...

Monday, August 27, 2007


Simple things, where have you been?

If only things in life can be simple and easy. Alot of us would have a much more happy path to walk...

Someone told me, we are the ones that complicate stuffs...It is simple...

I dun agreed and I dun disagreed.

Simple things, I would prefer simple things. Pure and simple.

Photo : Man At Work

Friday, August 24, 2007

Cyber Space

Finally gotten the broadband back.

Been without it for a couple of month. Just got the new package fixed up today. everything is running smoothly. It jus feels like life is back to normal with the broadband back. How pathetic and reliant we have all became of technology.

The new iMac are really tempting...but mine is still werking fine...arghhed....!!!

Went online for a round of golf earlier today via the PS3. Japan based game. Did not encounter any english speaking people there. It was interesting, playing with golf online with people. There are some Tiger Woods around Japan... Looking to tee off tonighth with some friend.

24 Day 6 is finally here. With broadband, 24 and football...what else i need in life? ha ha!! there are, there are definitely some things I very much want in life.

Photo : Puffer fish...

Thursday, August 16, 2007


My ipod is screwed.

Been a faithful servant for 3 years...and it starts to go bonkers now...

Played every song for 3 seconds and skips ahead to the next song...restarted the whole thing, still dun work.

I shall proclaim it officially spoiled!

Now, a reason to buy a new one...Heh Heh Heh...

It is really difficult to go without a ipod, all my CD collections are in there, and assholes like me, wants to listen to any song any time imagine my frustration when it played out on me... arghhed!!! I am basically "musicless" now..untill i get my hands on a new one... without no life at all...

Photo : Yummy Yummy Yummy!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Sad or Beautiful, You Decide


Canon by Pachelbel. People used it for weddings all the time. Used in a lot of movies and serials. It's suppose to be a lovely and romantic piece.

Love it since the day I heard it many years back...To me, this is a sad piece of music. There are just so much pain in it …especially when it gets faster, it seems to hurt more… hmmm….

Hope I am not the only one with this kinda interpretation for this piece. I guess art itself is very subjective. It is seen differently and judged differently by each individual people.

For example, the song "Starry Starry Night". Beautiful and romantic. Deep down, its such a sad song about Vincent van Gogh…the impression it gave people is that..WOW! Such a romantic song…BUT, when u look at the lyrics, its sad…

Guess music is really a important thing, and it affects a person's feeling and mood.

Photo : We never look down when we walk, and we often missed out alot of beautiful things below.

Monday, August 13, 2007

It's Here!!!


Football is back!! Last weekend saw lotsa interesting results.

Sunderland have a dream start against Totteham. Last minute sucker punch. Roy Keane mus be over the moon now. Let's see how long both Black Cats and his luck will run out…

Newcastle did well, against all odds. Man City was the surprise, a perfect job on 1st day of the season. Seriously, I dun expect them to do well, regardless of Thai money or not.

Liverpool had a tough time with Martin O'Neil's Aston Villa. A brilliant free kick seals the 3 points.(hope this is the beginning of something beautiful).

Arsenal's young squad showed how determined they are. Fighting from a horrible mistake from their old fart Lehman…

Birmingham simply dun give a fuck about Chelsea and scoring at will, although not picking up any points in the end. Good fight.

Reading showed they are not the whipping boys and hold the arrogant united to goalless draw, with 10 men. Well done.

Next Sunday is the first big match, Liverpool hosting Chelsea…let's see what happens…Thank god football is back!

Photo : It's time for new ink...

Friday, August 10, 2007

NDP 2007

The parade/celebration was a major one yesterday.

First time in Marina area..the public...the human traffic.. it's like in a sea of red yesterday.

The parade looks beautiful from the Suite. It's amazing what we can see up there versus what was shown on TV... Everyone enjoyed themselves, lotsa Moet & Chandon going around and lotsa laughter and small talks.

The issue of the day was getting to/fro from Marina area...estimated 150,000 and more people at Marina...(this side of the island is sinking!!!)...

Still, I am sure it was lotsa fun for alot of people out there last night. For me, the highlight of the night was having the fireworks shooting right up to my eye level with a right-smack-in-your-face view and Moet & Chandon in hand... amazing shit...

Photo : Jester

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Missing For 3 Weeks

It's been 3 weeks since I last wrote something.

Went back to annual summer camp for 2 weeks…now struggling with work and other stuffs.(thus had been missing). It's now reaching the peak of things at work..full steam now..hope it will slow down by Dec…

1 more million…jus 1 more million...

Lotsa changes since than..some good, some not.

These stuffs below helped me survive the past 3 weeks :

Linkin Park : Minutes to midnight (bloody good stuffs!)
Katie Melua : Call off the Search (great music, beautiful voice)
MIKA : Life in cartoon motion
Dune by Frank Herbert
Wired magazine

I have to take care of the money plant on my table for this week…and I totally forgotten about it, not watered it for 2 days in a row!! Ran to 7-11, bought a bottle of Evian and start feed the little fellow…money money..come my way…

Tomorrow is Singapore's 42nd Birthday…gonna be a busy day for me as well…and get myself caught in the human traffic here at Marina, how exciting!!!

For me, NDP is more of a big wayang show than a real celebration. My ideal celebration would be…on that day…every Singaporean in Singapore, at 8pm, jus step out of which ever building they are at, look up in the sky..and the fireworks goes off with music through the whole island. It can be seen at any corner of Singapore. This, to me would than be a real "Whole Nation Celebrates". Every Singaporean, whichever corner you are in Singapore, together as one…

Photo : nostalgic...