Monday, August 07, 2006

Princess Jane

((Remember i was at Wonderland sometime back? Here is one romance story that Alice told me when i was there...))

Once upon a time, there was a princess call Jane.

Jane was a little princess in her little own kingdom. She have a handsome young prince and life was good and beautiful.

Jane the Princess had a good friend Joe, the Hunter. Joe always show Jane the laws and methods of Hunting for many a months. As usual, they went out to the magic forest hunting one day and came upon a Swordsman. First look at the Swordsman and Jane felt something she have not felt in awhile. The Swordsman goes by the name of Harry. Joe, Harry and Jane spoke. They spoke at length about the magic forest and the wonders around the kingdom.

Upon returning to the Kingdom, Jane confided in Joe, like she always does. Jane felt romance and a special feeling that she have not felt for many years with the Prince. Jane is in love with Harry. Joe reminded Jane of her title and her kingdom, and that Harry is just a normal Swordsman, whom does not fit up to her status. Jane cannot stop thinking of Harry. His voice, his small brushes against her, his eyes, his looks. ((Than i asked Alice, what about Fling or 1 night stand between Jane and Harry?? Alice look at me and say that have not come into fashion and practice in their time yet. Well, i have to ask!))

Jane have sleepless nites thinking about Harry, felt depressing thinking about Harry. Jane cannot stop talking about Harry to Joe, days after days, hours after hours, Jane is always talking and thinking about Harry to Joe. Somehow, Joe felt a strange feeling within him when hearing Jane talking about her affection for Harry. Anyway, Jane almost hope the Prince will disappear for awhile, so she can have time with Harry...Jane felt love again.

Jane asked Joe what she should do, Joe says the same thing to her, "remember your status."

Jane remains with the Prince and still is secretly in love with Harry. Joe is still there everyday, showing the Princess how to hunt and hide in the Magic Forest.

((Yes. that's the end of the story for now. Cos there are no conclusion by the time i return from Wonderland. I asked Alice, "Maybe Joe felt or have something for Jane?" Alice smiles and say "well, we shall see, we shall see..."))

Photo : For The Princess, Jane.


Keevy - 小明® said...

Well, you missed the ending part from Alice. I had the privilege of hearinf it from her.

She told me that Joe and Jane ended up in bed and had a one night stand. That's how this thing came into fashion and practice in modern days.

JackRedShoes said...

aye! Keeve. Dun humptumb my story! Alice have not tell me the ending yet!! And i have not talk about Jane's horse and Joe's interets in animals....

Keevy - 小明® said...

Wow, this is getting exciting! Rated stuff, huh - rendevouz with the animals? Hahaha