Monday, August 28, 2006

Emmy Awards 2006

Great news for all 24 addicts.

Keifer Sutherland won the best actor and 24 won the best series.

This is the second time that the highly acclaimed, addictive serial have won both this nomination. Keifer Sutherland have totally became Jack Bauer. He is so into the character that you just cannot see him in another character at all. He is Jack and Jack is him.

The series itself have just completed it's 5th season(Day 5) and Day 6 is due early next year in the states. It's gonna be a long wait for over 1 year untill the DVD for Day 6 hits Singapore shores end 2007. 24 hours in the life of Jack Bauer have more twist and drama than my entire life so far...

I am into my 12th hour of Day 5 now...cannot wait to finish the entire Day 5...yet can't bear to, cos i will have to wait for more than 1 year for Day 6... and the USA will be racing their hearts out come early 2007...Envious!

For me, addiction and obsession is an understatement.

Jack Bauer rules.

"Set up a perimeter around CTU and cross check these names to FBI's most wanted, send me a live satellite feed direct to my screen. NOW!"

Photo : Reflections of history.

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