Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Princess Jane Again

Alice called from Wonderland last night, with News Flash about Princess Jane. As you can see now that Alice is such a gossip monger. Well, anyway, here goes...

Prince's Kingdom is going to war. He is readying his troops for invasion of the neighbouring Kingdom. He summoned his best Hunter and General for their advice on the best time and moment for troops advancement. Prince wanted to go right thru the Magical Forest to reach the opposing Kingdom. Joe, his royal highness's best hunter and path finder is strongly against it. Joe said "There have been rain falls in recent weeks and would expect to carry on for the next few months(The Prince HATES Rainy days and will never step out of his castle whenever it rains, Joe knows it and work to his advantage), it will deter troops movement thru muddy and soft soil, and besides, your highness, you HATE Rainy days don't you?" The prince agreeds and the thought of Rain just frustrates him. Joe strongly suggested to Prince that they should avoid the Magical forest and move around it by the 3rd month from the day. The Prince agreeds and so the war plan is set. His Highness's General to lead the troop with the aid of Joe, Hunter, Path finder.

Joe broke the news of the war to Jane. Jane got a shock and mentioned what will happen to her and Harry should the Prince goes thru the Magical Forest and flattened it all together before reaching the opposing Kingdom? Jane will not have a secret and beautiful place to meet her Harry every week! Joe knew the worry of Jane and told her that he have suggested to Prince to go around the Magical Forest instead of going right thru it. So Jane will still have her secret place to meet her love Harry. Jane was over joyed. She can still see Harry in the Magical Forest without the Prince's knowledge.

Prince and his troops(including Joe) set off for war. Jane bid them farewell and good luck.

The 3rd month came and went. Thru these time, Jane have been seeing Harry once every week in the Magical Forest. Their love grew. Jane was happy.

One day in the 4th month, Jane set foot into the Magical Forest as usual to see Harry. Before seeing Harry, Jane saw a small treasure box(no bigger than a jewel box) lying by a tree blossomed with pink flowers. Jane, took a closer look, opened the box and see a slip of paper with a jewel necklace. The paper read :

Finder's Keeper
Necklace yours to keep

Wear you will
Rain it shall

What is forbidden
Will remain hidden

Jane kept the necklace.

The Prince returned from war the week after and brings good news. He have expanded his Kingdom. Joe was no where in sight. The Prince said that Joe went missing during one of the attack. He have no idea if Joe is still alive or dead from war. Jane was upset and hopes for Joe's return soon.

Jane continues to see Harry in the Magical Forest every week. One day, she wore her new found necklace into the forest to meet Harry. When she stepped into the Magical Forest, it started to rain outside the forest, close to a thunder storm. She thinks to herself "That's great! Prince will never step out of his castle in this rainfall. He absolutely hates the rain!" Jane and Harry were deeply in love and cannot bear each day without seeing each other.

Whenever Jane wore the necklace into the Magical Forest, it rains on the outside.


He never did returned. Some said he died. Some said he was held captive. Some said he turned into the necklace that Jane found, which rains everytime Janes wears it into the forest, helping Jane to meet Harry safely everytime. Nobody knows.

I asked Alice, "you really dunno what happen to Joe?" Alice said no and her guess is that Joe turned into the necklace with the message, cos Joe always have Jane's best interest in heart, barring his own feelings.

Trust me. If Alice dunno what happened to Joe, nobody will. Cos Alice is the biggest gossip monger in Wonderland.

Photo : The boss's sign...

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Well written, brother! I was so caught up with the story.

I am not surprised Joe turned into that necklace cos he is a smart guy and he is actually the biggest winner...you know why?

He gets Jane's company everyday whereas Harry only get to see her once a week (and secretly). Dont even mention about the prince who is not in Jane's heart.

Joe also has the closest physical contact than the prince or harry by sticking around her neck day in day out.