Saturday, August 05, 2006

Kuala Lumpur 6 - Food Again!!

Madam Kwan's is located in KLCC.

She served fantastic Nasi Lemak!!! We had her Otak Otak too! And of cos not forgetting the desserts..
Just look at the photos...enuff said!

I wanna go eat again!! I wanna go eat again!!!

Photo : Impossible Temptation


Anonymous said...

next time u should try their Nasi Bojari. i think this one better than Nasi Lemak.
"Nasi Bojari is a type of indonesian coloured rice that comes with assam prawns, beef rendang and deep fried chicken drumsticks."

JackRedShoes said...

Michelle, you are making me hungry already!!! Arghh!! I wan to eat the Nasi Bojari!!!!!