Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Have you ever notice how some people cannot stop talking in the morning?

Early in the morning in the bus for example, people can just talk and talk and talk and damn bloody loud. Absolutely no consideration and concern for other passengers who would like some peace while commuting in a PUBLIC TRANSPORT. They can jolly sit next to each other, shoulder touching shoulder and they talk like they are 1 KM apart. What the fuck!! Just woke up and they can talk non-stop...this is sick.

Don't even get me started on how people's behavior are in the library... Let's just say, the Library have become a Wet Market with a Children's Playground.

Photo : Black & White Public Transport

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

I am the reverse...thats why we are buddies

I hate to tok in the mornings and even when i see colleagues on board, i will try to 'siam' them...hahaha