Thursday, July 13, 2006

Yin & Yang

After living with the opposite sex for awhile(husband & wife, couples In love etc etc), you start to see the difference... some of them irritating and deserves a red card...some are mild...


...talks to you when you are reading the newspaper
...starts asking weird questions like "why are you hungry?"
...complains that the washroom is always wet after you use it
...complains that your bath towel is never dry...???
...quickly wraps the towel around her when you see her naked outside the bathroom
...sleep on the WHOLE bed
...cannot stop complaining that she's fat
...cannot stop talking when you are trying to listen to the news soap opera and cry to herself
...says "Honey, can you please pass me the salt"

...never stops eating
...uses the bathroom and all things is in a mess after that your around the house with his naked smelly body after work everyday
...complain your cooking is horrible, yet cannot stop eating not listening to whatever you are saying whenever he watches football
...leaves coffee/tea cups all over the house
...never wash the dishes
...ask you very difficult questions that sends you thinking for a long time(so you can keep quiet and leave him alone for awhile when you are thinking)
...falls asleep immediately after getting on to bed
...says "Salt"

You see the diffference?

Photo : Lucky for me that this boatman happen to be there. Remind me of a old chinese song...


Keevy - 小明® said...

To add:

1) Starts to grumble and a tendency to raise her voice

1) is oblivious to all the shouting and couldnt be bothered

Anonymous said...

Obviously you have not read the book, "Why Men Don't Listen And Women Can't Read Maps" and also "Why Men Can Only Do One Thing at a Time and Women Never Stop Talking"

Go place your advance order of the upcoming hot saler "Why Men love to Shit and women love to Fart"