Sunday, July 02, 2006

Club Vs Nation

The 3 lions' departure from Germany have been long overdued.

They have been riding on luck to bring them to where they were last night. And Portugal overcame the lion's luck to proceed to the Semi. Excellent job Ricardo! The 3 lion's exit came as no surprise. Now they can spend more time with the fashion labels in Germany with their wifes and Girlfriends.

The highlight of the match tho was the exit of Rudeny. I, personally have been waiting for it to happen. And it did! What better way to exit...By pushing your very own club mate, Ronaldo.(by the way, their footbrawl club is hail to be the best in the wrold! No, not the Great Red from Merseyside. It's the other Red from Trafford. Indeed, what great clubs taught and guide such players..Pushing your own team mate??????? What a joke and nonsense.)

Conclusion of the lion's World Cup performance: ex-"Footbrawl Club" player left the field early becos of injury. Current "Footbrawl Club" player pushed each other and got a red card. Top scorer for the team, pathetic 2 goals from Stevie. Most attractions/publicity/news from the team came from boobs and shopping for the WAGs(ring leader is wife of #7, ex-FootBrawl Club player). Players that are overpaid by a certain not so smart Russian are not performing to their price tags. Rubbish.

Yes Yes Yes Yes, i am bashing THAT Football Club from Trafford. Yawnnnnn.....

Photo : Was lucky to get this shot for the center photo. A lady with Red Umbrella alone in the steets!! Not everyday is so lucky...

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