Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Shivers Down Your Spine

We are about a week away from the Hungry Ghost Month...

There's gonna be 2 months worth of Ghost month this year due to some fantastic complicated logic in the Lunar Calendar. When was the last time you encounter something weird or suspicious? Or have you ever? Favorite ghost movie, serial, stories you heard? I have a couple of encounters before in my life...not any recent years tho.

The funny thing is, such "things" are scary, yet we just love the stories and legends surrounding it!

Places that it seems to always happen :
Schools, hospitals, hotels, vacant houses, parks, bathrooms, public toilets, gym, and of cos, your own home...

Things to do if you wanna encounter something :
1) step on any burnt prayers papers you saw during the ghost month, urine on it for best results.

2) Eat any food that people offer for prayers during ghost month.

3) Walk all over the chinese cemetery during the hours of 2am - 4am.

4) Kill the biggest moth you can find...torture it first before sending it to it's ultimate death.

5) Stay over night at Changi Beach.

6) Kick any altars you come across.

How to scare the shit out of people :
Wear all white or all red, go to the cemetery(especially when you know those stoooopid Uni or JC students who like to go there for team building, check their schedule), squat down infront/next to any tombstone, heads down, have a few big white candles and pretend that you are eating them...

Anymore suggestions?

Photo : Lion head, fish body with a permanent mouth diahorrea standing infront of a really haunted building...scary enuff...

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

A good laugh to start the day!
