Monday, July 17, 2006

Choco Cone

Have been having this addiction to Mac Donald's Choco Cone.

Have been consuming that little sinful bastard for almost everyday over the past 3 weeks.

Vanilla ice cream, on a standard Mac Donald's cone with chocolate crust(frozen) coating on it. For only S$1.00 The thing is, S$1 for a ice cream cone? And it's readily available at any Mac Donald's island wide...there is too much devil in that cone to resist. Simply impossible to hold back!! (i dun have a picture of the cone to show, cos it goes down into my stomach faster than i could take out my camera)

Yup, very soon, i will be 2 times the size that i am currently in...

Off to another cone now!!!!

Photo : The different face of this really famous Hindu Temple. Simply amazing place.


Keevy - 小明® said...

Guess what...I am hooked on Oreo McFlurry lately...btw, this is how the word should be spelt: addiction

JackRedShoes said...

Oops. Always too lazy to use spell check. Already collected...i mean corrected.

Anonymous said...

More of Mad-Flurry and Chalk-go-cone will transform the two of you into my firend, Grimace - Fat Purple Monster!!!

Uncle Ron

Keevy - 小明® said...

Uncle Ron,

No worries, Grimace is cute. Anyway, you are not that slim either. You never fail to give me a fright (with your 'huge' presence) when you are in the restaurant (literally).