Friday, July 07, 2006

10 Million Dollar

Recently Someone spent $10 million dollars on a wedding. Came from abroad, had 3 days worth of celebrations in Singapore. Huge Diamond rings. Lots of flowers, foods and drinks. $10 million. $10MILLION!!!!

The country that this people are from, with that amount of money, they can save countless of poor families.(this country have one of the highest poverty situation in the world) Children who loiter the streets without any food, begging and sleeping on the streets.

Let's see..take each poor family from there needs $1000 a month to survive(due to the low living standards. With $10, 000 000 to work on, a total of 10,000 families will be able to have food for 1 month. 10,000 families benefited!!!!! Instead, their fellow country people spend that money on wedding. This is obsence how money is spent.

It's true, the poor will be poorer and the rich will be richer.

I will never own $10 million this life time. If i have $10 million, i will not spend it on a wedding. No way. Which ever bride i marry will never allow me to spend $10million for a wedding. She have more brains and senses than throwing money this way.

Photo : Life as we see it but goes unappreciated everyday...(the center photo reminds me of SARS)

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

Yup, I was absolutely disgusted when I saw it on the news.