Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sam & Jeph

Read a short story yesterday. Was a sad story.

The writer's(Jeph) son(Sam), below 20 years old, passed away due to bone cancer.
Sam wrote a note that was left below in his hospital bed, and was only found after 4 months to the day of his death.

The note says :
Your destiny does not lie in a hospital bed.
Far greater achievements are to come.
Own your destiny.
Best friends, best doctors, best outlook, no worries.

Jeph says, there are 2 things in our life that we have no control over. First is our birth and second is our death. It is what we do in between this 2 points of our life that defines who we are...

The whole story touched my heart.

Photo : A long time ago, far far away in China there lives a farmer..(well there are lots of farmer there actually...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There are 2 things in life that are certain: Death & Tax.
From "Meet Joe Black"

Brad Pitt