Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Clock is still Ticking

Hear that Channel 5 will be showing 24 Season 5(Day 5) this July.

This is fabulous news and alot of fans of 24 here are waiting desperately to catch Day 5. It ended just last month in the USA, where the whole nation stood still for 6 months when the show was on national TV.

Well, for people who have not finish Day 1 to 4, it's time to do so before July comes!! Be prepared to drop everything that you are doing(work,food,sex,sports etc etc)and sit right infront of the TV, 30 minutes before the show starts in July! You will do this every week on the day of showing, untill the last final seconds of Day 5. Yes, you cannot miss one single second of the show, its that dramatic!!

I for one am not gonna watch in on Channel 5, gonna wait for the DVD release this year end to catch the whole Day 5 at one go! I know due to all sorts of commitments and unforeseen circumstances, i will be sure to miss 1 or 2 hours of Day 5, which is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE.(i know this is not the first time i am talking about this show, but i can't stop. It's really really that good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If you don't know what is 24, go google.

Photo : How different the world looks with a barrier in between...

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