Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Jack Is Back

It's been awhile.

Why the absence? Why so long? What happened with Miss White?

Well, first things first, Miss White was breath taking, beyond words. Her skin fair as snow and soft as silk...what she can go think about it...amazing...

Then I got caught. You see, after Snow, I had a short wildful adventure with Red. Well, she does looks like Ayumi Hamasaki, how could i resist. I was sitting below a tree thinking about my life here in Singapore, and there she was, walking along with a little basket and fully cloaked in red, singing as she walks happily. There was Little Red... Well of cos i have to try my luck with her!!!

Snow caught us in the act and the next moment, before i knew it, i was behind bars under charge for unconsented sex with Snow. She played me out, just cos of Red.

So there i was, sitting behind bars under the watchful eyes of King. They call him Lion there, known for his speed and commanding presence, so he is being put incharge of prison.

I escaped with the help of a wolf, he call himself Bad, he IS kinda big for a wolf tho. Apparently we share the same interest in Red...

There you are! Now you know why I submerged longer than expected.

'Nuff said!

Photo : Busy Streets light. Sky is kinda Glummy tho. Love the building lights tho! Check out the lights left behind by the cars.

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