Friday, June 02, 2006

Rated Adult

It's Friday...and it felt the Wednesday here. So So So much things and totally swarmed.

The only things these days is to look forward in going home in the evening, sit on the toilet bowl, think of the long day that you had(picked your nose at the same time), take a long cooling shower, open a can of beer(occasionally sneak in a cigi), sit on the sofa, stare at the TV, not thinking about anything in particular, not watching the TV programs either, not talking/communicating just zoomed out and relax..aaaaaaahhhhh....

Guess this happens when you get older by the day and you find yourself not having the strength for any "night" activities on working weekdays. I know what you are thinking, and yes, Night activities can mean sex. But there are many things too, enjoying DVDs, catch a Movie/plays, dine in a nice restaurant(still do occasionally), workout, meet your little secret lover, watch soccer replay on TV, drink with your buddies in a pub etc etc etc... No more energy literally for all those... think better off doing the beer thingy on the sofa and hit the bed after that...

Adult life...ha!

Photo : Ok, this picture looks like it came straight out of a horror movie...


Keevy - 小明® said...

Sex? Simi lai sai jia bo?

JackRedShoes said...

my god are deprive... you always have your right palm to depend on....


Anonymous said...

Mrs Palm and her five daughters.