Thursday, June 01, 2006

Colour you and me

A new month. Same shit day in day out! Some things keep me(us) sane in this mad mad mad world.

Colours are one of the things that keep me sane. The brighter and more vibrant it is the better it makes me feel. Colours from leaves, buildings, sky, sun, shirts people wear, cars, banners etc etc etc.. The colours in life just lifts you up and keeps you moving!

Enough of B&W for now, lets start the new month with some vibrant colours!! Will still sneak in some B&W photos occasionally... please do feel free to criticise the photos! Have a colourful weekend and June ahead!!

By the way : You will notice alot of grammar and volcab mistakes in all my entries. Bear with me, I may start sneaking in some Lah, Leh, Loh..Hahahaha!!

Photo : More colours!!!!!


Keevy - 小明® said...

This is so pretty! Where did you take it?

JackRedShoes said...

street lights. Your hand must shake a little when taking the shot. Leave the shuttle open for about 1 second.
