Thursday, June 08, 2006

1 Day

The below made up my bad day today:
Was fuming mad in the morning, missed the bus, sat next to a stinko who never shower before going to work, got into a disagreement with someone, rained in a sunny day and got myself all wet, the condom broke today, No duck meat available for lunch(only chicken)...

The below made up my good day:

Yup. Nothing.

But felt better now, how can I? Dunno too, guess men forgets easier than women...

What a difference a day make. 24 little hours.

Photo : Was hoping for the man to trip and fall, so that the shot can be more dramatic. But he did not, instead he dropped his stuffs and bent down to pick it up. Not too bad tho...

1 comment:

Keevy - 小明® said...

That was a funny entry to start this wet Friday...