Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Have you ever notice how some people cannot stop talking in the morning?

Early in the morning in the bus for example, people can just talk and talk and talk and damn bloody loud. Absolutely no consideration and concern for other passengers who would like some peace while commuting in a PUBLIC TRANSPORT. They can jolly sit next to each other, shoulder touching shoulder and they talk like they are 1 KM apart. What the fuck!! Just woke up and they can talk non-stop...this is sick.

Don't even get me started on how people's behavior are in the library... Let's just say, the Library have become a Wet Market with a Children's Playground.

Photo : Black & White Public Transport

Monday, August 28, 2006

Emmy Awards 2006

Great news for all 24 addicts.

Keifer Sutherland won the best actor and 24 won the best series.

This is the second time that the highly acclaimed, addictive serial have won both this nomination. Keifer Sutherland have totally became Jack Bauer. He is so into the character that you just cannot see him in another character at all. He is Jack and Jack is him.

The series itself have just completed it's 5th season(Day 5) and Day 6 is due early next year in the states. It's gonna be a long wait for over 1 year untill the DVD for Day 6 hits Singapore shores end 2007. 24 hours in the life of Jack Bauer have more twist and drama than my entire life so far...

I am into my 12th hour of Day 5 now...cannot wait to finish the entire Day 5...yet can't bear to, cos i will have to wait for more than 1 year for Day 6... and the USA will be racing their hearts out come early 2007...Envious!

For me, addiction and obsession is an understatement.

Jack Bauer rules.

"Set up a perimeter around CTU and cross check these names to FBI's most wanted, send me a live satellite feed direct to my screen. NOW!"

Photo : Reflections of history.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Happiness is...?

Someone ask me..

"What is Happiness to you?"

That set me thinking...hmmm...

For some, happiness is to be loved, some are to love some one. Some says it's money.

After some thoughts, Happiness to me is.."Being able to wake up every morning and smell the air around me, that reminds me that i am alive and have a long beautiful day ahead. To me, this is Happiness."

What does Happiness mean to you?

Photo : Yummy Sin.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Arlo! Who page!?

It's funny how couples and people communicate these days.

Sitting right next to each other or even infront of each other..we "talk" thru MSN... typing out what you wanna say rather than coming out of your mouth. Not forgetting sms...what ever happen to phone calls?

It seems like communications have come a long way and it is losing the human touch in it. It's all about electronic means now(like what i am doing now). Somehow, correct me if i am wrong, communicating thru your keyboard seems to generate enough feelings and senses to the other party, without the need to look into her/his eyes.

I wun be surprise, that a couple would start dating and get married(the whole process) thru internet communications, and have not spoken to each other at all...or did it already happen?

I can now send a MSN and tell my galfriends that i miss them all at one time!!(as long as i dun mixed them up and screwed myself...)

Somehow, i am enjoying this future, modern digital era. Infact, i embrace it.

Have Fun!

Photo : On the road.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Princess Jane Again

Alice called from Wonderland last night, with News Flash about Princess Jane. As you can see now that Alice is such a gossip monger. Well, anyway, here goes...

Prince's Kingdom is going to war. He is readying his troops for invasion of the neighbouring Kingdom. He summoned his best Hunter and General for their advice on the best time and moment for troops advancement. Prince wanted to go right thru the Magical Forest to reach the opposing Kingdom. Joe, his royal highness's best hunter and path finder is strongly against it. Joe said "There have been rain falls in recent weeks and would expect to carry on for the next few months(The Prince HATES Rainy days and will never step out of his castle whenever it rains, Joe knows it and work to his advantage), it will deter troops movement thru muddy and soft soil, and besides, your highness, you HATE Rainy days don't you?" The prince agreeds and the thought of Rain just frustrates him. Joe strongly suggested to Prince that they should avoid the Magical forest and move around it by the 3rd month from the day. The Prince agreeds and so the war plan is set. His Highness's General to lead the troop with the aid of Joe, Hunter, Path finder.

Joe broke the news of the war to Jane. Jane got a shock and mentioned what will happen to her and Harry should the Prince goes thru the Magical Forest and flattened it all together before reaching the opposing Kingdom? Jane will not have a secret and beautiful place to meet her Harry every week! Joe knew the worry of Jane and told her that he have suggested to Prince to go around the Magical Forest instead of going right thru it. So Jane will still have her secret place to meet her love Harry. Jane was over joyed. She can still see Harry in the Magical Forest without the Prince's knowledge.

Prince and his troops(including Joe) set off for war. Jane bid them farewell and good luck.

The 3rd month came and went. Thru these time, Jane have been seeing Harry once every week in the Magical Forest. Their love grew. Jane was happy.

One day in the 4th month, Jane set foot into the Magical Forest as usual to see Harry. Before seeing Harry, Jane saw a small treasure box(no bigger than a jewel box) lying by a tree blossomed with pink flowers. Jane, took a closer look, opened the box and see a slip of paper with a jewel necklace. The paper read :

Finder's Keeper
Necklace yours to keep

Wear you will
Rain it shall

What is forbidden
Will remain hidden

Jane kept the necklace.

The Prince returned from war the week after and brings good news. He have expanded his Kingdom. Joe was no where in sight. The Prince said that Joe went missing during one of the attack. He have no idea if Joe is still alive or dead from war. Jane was upset and hopes for Joe's return soon.

Jane continues to see Harry in the Magical Forest every week. One day, she wore her new found necklace into the forest to meet Harry. When she stepped into the Magical Forest, it started to rain outside the forest, close to a thunder storm. She thinks to herself "That's great! Prince will never step out of his castle in this rainfall. He absolutely hates the rain!" Jane and Harry were deeply in love and cannot bear each day without seeing each other.

Whenever Jane wore the necklace into the Magical Forest, it rains on the outside.


He never did returned. Some said he died. Some said he was held captive. Some said he turned into the necklace that Jane found, which rains everytime Janes wears it into the forest, helping Jane to meet Harry safely everytime. Nobody knows.

I asked Alice, "you really dunno what happen to Joe?" Alice said no and her guess is that Joe turned into the necklace with the message, cos Joe always have Jane's best interest in heart, barring his own feelings.

Trust me. If Alice dunno what happened to Joe, nobody will. Cos Alice is the biggest gossip monger in Wonderland.

Photo : The boss's sign...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Stars and Cresent

Today is Singapore's 41st Birthday.

Young nation and with a damn bright future! Red Red Wine, the older you get the better you become!!

We will be so patriotic that we will stay home and sleep, eat whole day!

All will wear white and red colour themes!

Make it short and sweet, shall not blabber on and on...


Photo : The colours of Singapore.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Strawberry First, Strawberry Last

What do you eat first in your favorite dish?

For example a Strawberry Cake, with a huge Strawberry on top of it. Do you eat the cake first, then your favorite Strawberry or you swallow your favorite first follow by the cake? Or you eat both together??

For me, i will finish the cake first and enjoy the strawberry the last. Good things are always kept to the last for me. I will also finish all the normal dishes first and will enjoy my favorite dish last. That "ahhh..." feeling and moment when you are enjoying the favorite dish... Yummy!!!

How do you eat your favorite dish?

Monday, August 07, 2006

Princess Jane

((Remember i was at Wonderland sometime back? Here is one romance story that Alice told me when i was there...))

Once upon a time, there was a princess call Jane.

Jane was a little princess in her little own kingdom. She have a handsome young prince and life was good and beautiful.

Jane the Princess had a good friend Joe, the Hunter. Joe always show Jane the laws and methods of Hunting for many a months. As usual, they went out to the magic forest hunting one day and came upon a Swordsman. First look at the Swordsman and Jane felt something she have not felt in awhile. The Swordsman goes by the name of Harry. Joe, Harry and Jane spoke. They spoke at length about the magic forest and the wonders around the kingdom.

Upon returning to the Kingdom, Jane confided in Joe, like she always does. Jane felt romance and a special feeling that she have not felt for many years with the Prince. Jane is in love with Harry. Joe reminded Jane of her title and her kingdom, and that Harry is just a normal Swordsman, whom does not fit up to her status. Jane cannot stop thinking of Harry. His voice, his small brushes against her, his eyes, his looks. ((Than i asked Alice, what about Fling or 1 night stand between Jane and Harry?? Alice look at me and say that have not come into fashion and practice in their time yet. Well, i have to ask!))

Jane have sleepless nites thinking about Harry, felt depressing thinking about Harry. Jane cannot stop talking about Harry to Joe, days after days, hours after hours, Jane is always talking and thinking about Harry to Joe. Somehow, Joe felt a strange feeling within him when hearing Jane talking about her affection for Harry. Anyway, Jane almost hope the Prince will disappear for awhile, so she can have time with Harry...Jane felt love again.

Jane asked Joe what she should do, Joe says the same thing to her, "remember your status."

Jane remains with the Prince and still is secretly in love with Harry. Joe is still there everyday, showing the Princess how to hunt and hide in the Magic Forest.

((Yes. that's the end of the story for now. Cos there are no conclusion by the time i return from Wonderland. I asked Alice, "Maybe Joe felt or have something for Jane?" Alice smiles and say "well, we shall see, we shall see..."))

Photo : For The Princess, Jane.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Magnolia Cupcakes

I have a sweet tooth. For a man, this is rare.

So, seeing that it's Sunday, let's make Cupcakes!!

The cupcakes that we made was taken from the recipe of the famous Magnolia Cupcake from New York. It does not help seeing that it's Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samatha's favorite bakery in New York and when they put that little evil, sinful fellow into their mouth..you can almost feel it...

So, we tried our hand and it turn out to be very yummy. Just following the recipe is already yummy..i can only imagine the original. I have never been to New York, but would definitely like to one day, for the cupcakes.

Adding a few more pounds to my already fat body...

Photos : The process of those little sinful monsters coming to life...

Kuala Lumpur 8 - Fun Things on the Street

This is the last blog for Kuala Lumpur.

Overall, it's a great visit and a worthwhile short trip. Will definitely go back for more food, more DVDs(Japanese Serial and animation), more photo opportunities. Will try every single possible frog porridge during the return trip!

My favorite and most enjoyable thing in KL was the food and of cos the photo taking.

Photo : Random interesting shots from the street.

Kuala Lumpur 7 - It's People

The people makes up the heart and soul of a place.

They are what makes a city, town, nation alive. It's all the different faces and their day to day activities, struggles and passion that makes up this world. Spent a great deal of time on the streets seeing people going about their daily life in Kuala Lumpur, it's really amazing and magical.

I had the opportunity to take some photos of the people, some with their permission, some are without them knowing. I prefer to shoot human without their knowledge, becos that actually reveals their real and natural self. Instead of trying to post for the camera. If i asked permission, i would speak to them, joke with them, make them relax before i held the camera to my eyes and would start snapping away their expressions and habits.

Photos : Everyday life and the mood...

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Kuala Lumpur 6 - Food Again!!

Madam Kwan's is located in KLCC.

She served fantastic Nasi Lemak!!! We had her Otak Otak too! And of cos not forgetting the desserts..
Just look at the photos...enuff said!

I wanna go eat again!! I wanna go eat again!!!

Photo : Impossible Temptation

Friday, August 04, 2006

Kuala Lumpur 5 - Food

We went to Alor Street for the fabulous hawker food of KL, and we love hawker food! Normally, for 2 person, we can have satays, Stingray, Vegetables, Rojak, roasted chicken wings and rice. Yes for 2 person. But at Alor Street, we only ordered Fried Kway Teo, Chicken wings and Fried Oyster.

We ate in fear.?
Fear? Yes. Fear.Fear that our stomach cannot substain the food that we are having.

You see, as we are eating, we saw the way the hawkers prepared the food, the surroundings, the wok, the street, the utensils, it is extremely unclean and un-hygienic, it's one of the worst we have ever seen. The food is tasty,Indeed. But the way that it's being prepared, my gosh!! We anticipated diarrhea very soon after we consume. But thank god, nothing happened.

You see, my main objective is to try the frog porridge after Keeve( http://keevekingdom.spaces.msn.com/ ) insisted that it is really fabulous and have to try. But the main problem is..there are just too many stores that have frog porridge there! So, gave up, and eat something else all together. And i was wondering to myself..did the hawkers kill the frogs the correct way or did the frogs died of unhygenic environment there before they are being mixed into the porridge...?

Next on to Ka Soh! It's famous for the Fish Head Noodle. The restaurant is just right infront of Ritz-Carlton, so naturally, we have to try it!! And my gosh..the Rice Noodles are fantastic! The Soup is the difference. Apparently, it takes hours and hours to boil the soup base. We also ordered the "fish paste fried chicken wings" and the "Deep Fried TouFu". Amazing Stuffs... There are alot of celebrities photos(who dined there) pasted on the wall of the restaurant. The food is really fabulous and the pricing is so so so cheap! These types of restaurants are a very very rare sight in Singapore...

Photos : First 2 on the top is Alor Street, the last 3 are from Ka Soh..YUMMY YUMMY YUMMY!!!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Kuala Lumpur 4 - The Old City

Woke up early in the morning and snoop around town when the morning sun light is beautiful for photos. Collected lotsa shots during the 1 and a half hours morning shoot.

The best thing is seeing how the locals go about their day, their breakfast options and their morning marketing time. It's really amazing and worthwhile waking up. I would recommend you try to wake up early morning(at least for 1 day) on all of your trips to do a photo shoot. It's the best time.

Managed to catch the locals and some of the really really old style Malaysia that i remember. It's just makes you wonder the contrast from KLCC to the typical street life...

The scenes i enjoy most are the motocycle uncles selling his keropok...ahhh...such memories and never change since my young days...

Photos : So nostalgic...no?

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Kuala Lumpur 3 - The Morden City

Roamed around KL, went to KL CC. Amazing building structure! Absolutely beautiful!

Such a huge shopping arcade, and with lotsa luxury brands in there. Felt just like our Ngee Ann City. Happened to catched 2 men cleaning the th twin tower..(i will never want this job, regardless of pay!). I just felt amazed that KL is such a developed place with such beautiful building structure and shopping arena.(remember, i have not been to Malaysia for the longest years) However, right next to the Twin Tower, there is a big drain, that is so so dirty that reflects the other side of this country.(look at the photos)

The KL Tower is a sight too. A copter was hovering around there when the camera was in my hands and "snap"! You see the morden side of KL, in next few blog entries, i will show the old KL, it's street, it's people and also, the food and beverage the city offers(din try alot tho...not enuff time)!!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Kuala Lumpur 2

The room was filled with nice aroma of lavender when we open the door in the evening, after our first day of walking around town of KL.

The room was fill with lavender's aroma because of the burning tea candles, besides this, the whole room was filled with rose petals. The rose petals were spread around the room, with a huge heart shape on the bed. There was also a butler drawn bath with rose petals ready for us.

It is really enlivens our senses when we see all these after a tiring day. The butler did a great job with these arrangements as turndown service. Really really enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere. He could have add in a bottle of Moet & Chandon tho... heh heh heh!!

Photo(from top to bottom) : Rose petals all over the room. With heart shape on the bed and also the butler drawn bath. Relaxing!