Monday, July 31, 2006

Kuala Lumpur

Went up north to KL for a extremely short weekend break.

Kinda tiring traveling for about 4 hours on coach...reached KL on Friday noon time and checked into the hotel immediately.
Gonna spend the next few entries talking about this trip...(my first trip to Malaysia for the longest years). Let's start with the hotel today...

We got the newly renovated rooms at Ritz-Carlton, Kuala Lumpur. Fantastic job. Big size for a second tier room category. DVDs players, HDMI TV, new sofas and bedding experience.

There is a personal butler for every room, to ensure of your well being and needs. The butler takes care of us thru the stay. We are entitled to use the Club Lounge for breakfast and the additional 4 meals a day thru the stay. But the important thing is not the's the WINE!!!! Complimentary wine in the lounge thru the stay!!

A huge welcome fruit platter was waiting for us as a welcome gesture, and yes, i finished all the grapes and rambutans...the mango is really sour, the bananas are not Del Monte and the rest of the fruits i dun take...

Within very short walking distance to the hotel are lotsa shopping and dinning areas...we will talk a little more of the hotel and what's around town in the next few blogs..from food, to cigis to shopping...

Photos : The Ritz-Carlton KL, the room, club lounge and also the fruit platter which i raped non-stop.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Just Thoughts

It's always there. In my brain.
The day that it came into my eyes and thru to my head, it have always remain there. No matter what had changed and what was done or undone, nothing in this brain will change.
It will not change. Not in the next million years.

What am i talking about? Me to know, you to find out.

Photo : Red Red Thoughts.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Like My Life

Everyday wanna go workout and jog. But you know what, it just never happens. Why? Well..becos, I am tired after work, the sky is already dark(depressing when running under dark environment), it's raining, I need to wake up early tomorrow and on and on and on.

See, so much reasons. Or izzit excuses? It's a thin line. Hahahahaah!

Instead, everynight go home, it's either Asahi Beer while catching SportsCenter then dreamland. Or Dreamland straight away. How exciting! It will be worst when foorball season starts again in August... it will be..

Football + Beer = Life

I think I need a break, such life is unacceptable.

Photo : Verbal Diahorrea

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Sun Set, Sun Rise, Sun Don't Run

Is the sunset and sunrise nicer in other places/countries?

No? It's the same sun that we are sharing.

Yes? Somehow the sun are warmer and more beautiful in my country.

Hmmm. I think the sunset/sun rise differs from wherever you are. I find the sun much more beautiful in some countries compare to what we have here. When was the last time you see a beautiful sunset/rise photo taken from Singapore?(not doctored by photoshop. Pure skill from the photographer and his camera).

It seems like the sun is so beautiful from locations like UK, Europe, America and even Bali. Have seen many such examples in Photography magazines. They would also have this "20 Best Locations for taking Sunset/rise Photos" feature. So jealous and amazing. Here? Labrador Park? East Coast? Sigh. Yawn. Boring.

What/where can we take here in Singapore that is interesting and will make people stand and look at your photos? It does not matter if you think your shot is good or not(it's good to be critical upon yourself), I find the interesting thing is people actually stop and look at your photos. The contents, colours, how you achieve the angel and what you trying to say in your photo that have people thinking and amaze are the important things. That I think is already winning. Like me, I am sure I have many photos that have people stop and think "what thrash". Still, I win. Cos you take the effort to see, think and conclude that it's thrash!

Hahahah! Such positive attitude!

Photo : From the otherside of the river.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

King of Fruits

Everynight, somehow, without fail, someone have to bring a pack of durians into the LRT.

Durian is a wonderful fruit by itself. Love it or hate it. For me, i love it!! Simply amazing... Check out Angie's Choice Durian Roll...Ecstasy. Durian Mooncake from Goodwood Park Hotel, Durian Ice Cream from almost anywhere that is available. This little green fellow that looks so mean on the outside taste so yummmy inside...


Having the smell of Durian in a air-conditioned area is simply unacceptable!!!!!! Especially if it's in a public transport!! Imagine a pregnant smell that and happen to dun like durian...what's gonna happen to her??? The child came out to be like a durian is the easy part.

These arseholes ought to have some decency not to bring durians into a public transport. Please find a place near your house that sells and walk home! If it's your own Rolls-Royce, no body cares. But it's PUBLIC TRANSPORT. Yes it's that increase-it's-FARE-every-other-year-yet-claims-that-it's-been-a-long-time-since-they-increase-the-fare-and-that-we-have-the-cheapest-public-transport-in-the-world-and-oil-pricing-is-ever-going-up-so-we-will-increase-fare PUBLIC Transport. Why not, MR/MS/MRS Durian, you try bringing that beautiful fruit up the Taxi driven by the courteous Taxi driver who beat up a Member of the Parliament recently and see what happens.


Photo : Think this photo will have a better result if taken in the streets of Tokyo or Las Vegas. DARTHNG, remember the technique i told you on how to achieve this result? Well, here's my try with loads of room for improvement. Try it!

Monday, July 24, 2006


What happens when you reach 50 years old and beyond?

Alot of shit will happen. For one, you will have wrinkle all over your BODY! You are slower, you behave weird…you grumble a lot. But more importantly, where do you hang out????

During your teens, you hang out at Marina Square - you are labelled as Marina Kids.
When you reach your 20s, you hang out in Pubs and Discos - You are label as Party Animals.
When you are in your 30s, you hang out in Wine Bar - Sophiscated Working Class.
When you have your own kids, say beyond 35, you hang out in Childcare Center and toy department.
What happens when you reach 50 and beyond and you kids dumped you and you are all alone…

Hang where?????

China Town?? Become China Town Uncles? China Town Dirty Ah-Behs????

This is depressing.

Maybe we will hang out in Orchard Road and be know as the Orchard Hipster Ah-Behs?

This is getting more depressing.

Why do you hang out in Orchard when you are so old?? Hitting at young gals? Come on!! YOu are a Ah-BEH!!!! Go hang out in Country Clubs with some young gals who are after all your money when you go six feet under.

This is getting suicidal.


Photos : Just in time for the upcoming National Day. Love your country!! Yawnn... 3 different shots. Notice the difference?

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Aaron Kwok

Was listening to some old Chinese songs last night...all because of someone's influence..talking about Jacky Cheung's songs..

So there i go digging thru my old cds looking for some hall-of-shame albums...and guess what i found..Aaron Kwok! TAAA-DAAAH!!

It was just so nostalgic listening to his old songs...bring back lots of memories. Hahaha! Some of his image on the cds are totally unacceptable in this era..he would be crucified immediately. But i would pick his old songs anytime versus what is in the market now. Those Cute-Boys-With-Same-Hairstyle-always-Wearing-Singlet-and-sing-crap-songs boy bands are all the rave now...gosh.

Someone pat me on the stomach and ask me.."How's your Chococone? Huh? you are getting fatter". Hahaha! A loving gesture from someone who knows and read this. Hahahah!

Fat is cute.

Photo : Huge Peach, anyone??

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Shivers Down Your Spine

We are about a week away from the Hungry Ghost Month...

There's gonna be 2 months worth of Ghost month this year due to some fantastic complicated logic in the Lunar Calendar. When was the last time you encounter something weird or suspicious? Or have you ever? Favorite ghost movie, serial, stories you heard? I have a couple of encounters before in my life...not any recent years tho.

The funny thing is, such "things" are scary, yet we just love the stories and legends surrounding it!

Places that it seems to always happen :
Schools, hospitals, hotels, vacant houses, parks, bathrooms, public toilets, gym, and of cos, your own home...

Things to do if you wanna encounter something :
1) step on any burnt prayers papers you saw during the ghost month, urine on it for best results.

2) Eat any food that people offer for prayers during ghost month.

3) Walk all over the chinese cemetery during the hours of 2am - 4am.

4) Kill the biggest moth you can find...torture it first before sending it to it's ultimate death.

5) Stay over night at Changi Beach.

6) Kick any altars you come across.

How to scare the shit out of people :
Wear all white or all red, go to the cemetery(especially when you know those stoooopid Uni or JC students who like to go there for team building, check their schedule), squat down infront/next to any tombstone, heads down, have a few big white candles and pretend that you are eating them...

Anymore suggestions?

Photo : Lion head, fish body with a permanent mouth diahorrea standing infront of a really haunted building...scary enuff...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More Important Than Life & Death

The craze and talking point these days(until now) was all about Zidane and Meterazzi. Think there are just too much media crap on this little football incident. Everything should come to a stop with the papers headline reading : "Italian Won the World Cup yet again and Zidane bow out in disgrace"

Now, let's move on. The highly anticipated football season is about to start. EPL will kick off on 19 August 2006. Exactly 1 month from now. Right now, the movements of all the players, after World Cup and the Italian Serie A shame is keeping everyone who loves the game awake and excited. UEFA seeding for Champion's League just came out, and yes, Liverpool, Arsenal and Man U are all top seeded. With the 2 year Millionaire Champion Chelsea in the 2nd seeded. All the lifelong fans for the Reds, Gunners and Devils will be happy to know!

There are still things that one cannot buy with millions and millions of money. The Championship? Yes, already bought for 2 years. Money will never be able to buy the Millions and Millions and Millions or true-blood-loyal-believing-lifelong fans of the club, be it the club fail or achieve success year after year.

My guess is, half the Blues-jersey-wearing fans will spot a different colour this time next year if Sheffield United were to win the EPL.

Photo : Have Dick will rule the world.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Choco Cone

Have been having this addiction to Mac Donald's Choco Cone.

Have been consuming that little sinful bastard for almost everyday over the past 3 weeks.

Vanilla ice cream, on a standard Mac Donald's cone with chocolate crust(frozen) coating on it. For only S$1.00 The thing is, S$1 for a ice cream cone? And it's readily available at any Mac Donald's island wide...there is too much devil in that cone to resist. Simply impossible to hold back!! (i dun have a picture of the cone to show, cos it goes down into my stomach faster than i could take out my camera)

Yup, very soon, i will be 2 times the size that i am currently in...

Off to another cone now!!!!

Photo : The different face of this really famous Hindu Temple. Simply amazing place.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Yin & Yang

After living with the opposite sex for awhile(husband & wife, couples In love etc etc), you start to see the difference... some of them irritating and deserves a red card...some are mild...


...talks to you when you are reading the newspaper
...starts asking weird questions like "why are you hungry?"
...complains that the washroom is always wet after you use it
...complains that your bath towel is never dry...???
...quickly wraps the towel around her when you see her naked outside the bathroom
...sleep on the WHOLE bed
...cannot stop complaining that she's fat
...cannot stop talking when you are trying to listen to the news soap opera and cry to herself
...says "Honey, can you please pass me the salt"

...never stops eating
...uses the bathroom and all things is in a mess after that your around the house with his naked smelly body after work everyday
...complain your cooking is horrible, yet cannot stop eating not listening to whatever you are saying whenever he watches football
...leaves coffee/tea cups all over the house
...never wash the dishes
...ask you very difficult questions that sends you thinking for a long time(so you can keep quiet and leave him alone for awhile when you are thinking)
...falls asleep immediately after getting on to bed
...says "Salt"

You see the diffference?

Photo : Lucky for me that this boatman happen to be there. Remind me of a old chinese song...

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dead Horse

Have been humming this song the whole day...strange, it's been 16 years since I first heard this song and today I still remember the lyrics clearly...

Sick of this life
Not that you'd care
I'm not the only one with
whom these feelings I share

Nobody understands, quite why we're here
We're searchin' for answers
That never appear

But maybe if I looked real hard I'd
I'd see your tryin' too
To understand this life,
That we're all goin' through...

GnR ~ 1990

There's more but this is the part that i love most....

Photo : Love the building in the 1st and 3rd shot from the top. Think that the design is amazing. IFC.
2nd shot shows another upcoming skyscraper. Bottom shot...meow....meow...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Have this thought recently.

Change a Job.

Why? Unhappy with current job? Nope.

Just struck me suddendly one fine morning.

What can i do if i wanna change? Totally different job compare to now? Dunno.

Maybe i will go find a simple job and just slack for the rest of my life.

Maybe i will go do something new altogether. Job can be your Hobby? or izzit the other way round? A change in lifestyle?

Noting too serious tho. just a thought that struck suddendly.

Who knows.

Photo : 1 open lock and another closed. Are we locked in life forever or released? What happens once we are unlocked? A Contrast.

Friday, July 07, 2006

10 Million Dollar

Recently Someone spent $10 million dollars on a wedding. Came from abroad, had 3 days worth of celebrations in Singapore. Huge Diamond rings. Lots of flowers, foods and drinks. $10 million. $10MILLION!!!!

The country that this people are from, with that amount of money, they can save countless of poor families.(this country have one of the highest poverty situation in the world) Children who loiter the streets without any food, begging and sleeping on the streets.

Let's see..take each poor family from there needs $1000 a month to survive(due to the low living standards. With $10, 000 000 to work on, a total of 10,000 families will be able to have food for 1 month. 10,000 families benefited!!!!! Instead, their fellow country people spend that money on wedding. This is obsence how money is spent.

It's true, the poor will be poorer and the rich will be richer.

I will never own $10 million this life time. If i have $10 million, i will not spend it on a wedding. No way. Which ever bride i marry will never allow me to spend $10million for a wedding. She have more brains and senses than throwing money this way.

Photo : Life as we see it but goes unappreciated everyday...(the center photo reminds me of SARS)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Doing the same thing differently

Did you ever notice how you do the same thing differently at different occasions, places and when you are playing a different role?

For example, having a meal.

When you sit in a foodcourt for lunch, you take the tray of food that you just spent your hard earn money on and find a sit. You sat down, starts to eat. You leave the tray there, pat your buttocks and you leave. Normal. Nothing special you say.

When you have lunch at a coffeeshop, no aircon, you eat your food, starts to throw any possible bone of unwanted waste out of your mouth on the table. Normal. Nothing special you say.

When you have lunch in a restaurant, you put the napkin on your laps and takes the outer most cutleries that was place on your table. Then you move on to the Dinner utensils. you wipe your mouth with the napkin, fold it nicely and place by the side when you wanna be excused from the table. Normal. Nothing special you say.

When you have lunch in a military camp, you swallow your lunch at the fastest possible rate and clear the tray without being ask. Normal. Nothing special you say.


You bloody behave differently when you are at different occasions, even when you are doing the same thing!!!

Think about it...

Photo : A few more shots that shows the busy street life. Kinda interesting that so many people past by us everyday and are total strangers...

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Club Vs Nation

The 3 lions' departure from Germany have been long overdued.

They have been riding on luck to bring them to where they were last night. And Portugal overcame the lion's luck to proceed to the Semi. Excellent job Ricardo! The 3 lion's exit came as no surprise. Now they can spend more time with the fashion labels in Germany with their wifes and Girlfriends.

The highlight of the match tho was the exit of Rudeny. I, personally have been waiting for it to happen. And it did! What better way to exit...By pushing your very own club mate, Ronaldo.(by the way, their footbrawl club is hail to be the best in the wrold! No, not the Great Red from Merseyside. It's the other Red from Trafford. Indeed, what great clubs taught and guide such players..Pushing your own team mate??????? What a joke and nonsense.)

Conclusion of the lion's World Cup performance: ex-"Footbrawl Club" player left the field early becos of injury. Current "Footbrawl Club" player pushed each other and got a red card. Top scorer for the team, pathetic 2 goals from Stevie. Most attractions/publicity/news from the team came from boobs and shopping for the WAGs(ring leader is wife of #7, ex-FootBrawl Club player). Players that are overpaid by a certain not so smart Russian are not performing to their price tags. Rubbish.

Yes Yes Yes Yes, i am bashing THAT Football Club from Trafford. Yawnnnnn.....

Photo : Was lucky to get this shot for the center photo. A lady with Red Umbrella alone in the steets!! Not everyday is so lucky...