Thursday, June 29, 2006

Hey NaNa

Have been waiting for Na Na to be released in theaters here for awhile. However, it never seems to happen.

Got the DVD from some other country(Original Edition!!). Starring Mika Nakashima, Aio Miyazaki and Ryuhei Matsuda. Great great acting from all of them. Japanese are never short of standards when it comes to acting and singing. The characters are very well potrayed and the sound track..! Damn! The soundtrack is fabulous!! Mika did an excellent job performing "Glamorous Sky" and her image of a dream gal(real life) to a rocker(in NaNa) rocks!!

Was surprised that the show caught me so deep. Fell in love with it and will be watching again very soon. I learnt something valuable from the show. Not gonna say what, but it struck me real deep.

Hey NaNa!!

Photo : 3 shots taken over different time of the day for the same area.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Shutter 2

Photo : Well, not gonna tell you how this 2 shots came about. Looks a little similiar, cos i cannot believe it after the first shot. thus came the second one.


Well, thought i should just post some more photos. To make up for the long absence. Not that you guys like my photos, but still, be kind and dun poison the comment too badly...

Photo (Top) : One of my favorite shot. The world seems to revolve around him.

Photo (Bottom) : Time just moves so so so fast.

Jack Is Back

It's been awhile.

Why the absence? Why so long? What happened with Miss White?

Well, first things first, Miss White was breath taking, beyond words. Her skin fair as snow and soft as silk...what she can go think about it...amazing...

Then I got caught. You see, after Snow, I had a short wildful adventure with Red. Well, she does looks like Ayumi Hamasaki, how could i resist. I was sitting below a tree thinking about my life here in Singapore, and there she was, walking along with a little basket and fully cloaked in red, singing as she walks happily. There was Little Red... Well of cos i have to try my luck with her!!!

Snow caught us in the act and the next moment, before i knew it, i was behind bars under charge for unconsented sex with Snow. She played me out, just cos of Red.

So there i was, sitting behind bars under the watchful eyes of King. They call him Lion there, known for his speed and commanding presence, so he is being put incharge of prison.

I escaped with the help of a wolf, he call himself Bad, he IS kinda big for a wolf tho. Apparently we share the same interest in Red...

There you are! Now you know why I submerged longer than expected.

'Nuff said!

Photo : Busy Streets light. Sky is kinda Glummy tho. Love the building lights tho! Check out the lights left behind by the cars.

Friday, June 09, 2006


I will submerged from end of today for about 9 days. Might not be able to access any computer related things during this period. Why?

You see, I am going to Fairy Land to look for the elusive Miss White. After knowing that she flirts with 7 men under the same roof for so many's tough not find her and see what she have to offer(I mean,come on! 7 men at one go!!) Prince charming? No worries. From what I heard(from my ever reliable spies in Wonderland, the 3 blind mice), he is currently on the run for raping Miss Beauty in her sleep. So he will be the least worry for me now.

Wait for the log of my adventure from Wonderland when I emerged!

Photo : Another way of looking at the world thru a barrier...

Thursday, June 08, 2006

1 Day

The below made up my bad day today:
Was fuming mad in the morning, missed the bus, sat next to a stinko who never shower before going to work, got into a disagreement with someone, rained in a sunny day and got myself all wet, the condom broke today, No duck meat available for lunch(only chicken)...

The below made up my good day:

Yup. Nothing.

But felt better now, how can I? Dunno too, guess men forgets easier than women...

What a difference a day make. 24 little hours.

Photo : Was hoping for the man to trip and fall, so that the shot can be more dramatic. But he did not, instead he dropped his stuffs and bent down to pick it up. Not too bad tho...

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

The Clock is still Ticking

Hear that Channel 5 will be showing 24 Season 5(Day 5) this July.

This is fabulous news and alot of fans of 24 here are waiting desperately to catch Day 5. It ended just last month in the USA, where the whole nation stood still for 6 months when the show was on national TV.

Well, for people who have not finish Day 1 to 4, it's time to do so before July comes!! Be prepared to drop everything that you are doing(work,food,sex,sports etc etc)and sit right infront of the TV, 30 minutes before the show starts in July! You will do this every week on the day of showing, untill the last final seconds of Day 5. Yes, you cannot miss one single second of the show, its that dramatic!!

I for one am not gonna watch in on Channel 5, gonna wait for the DVD release this year end to catch the whole Day 5 at one go! I know due to all sorts of commitments and unforeseen circumstances, i will be sure to miss 1 or 2 hours of Day 5, which is totally NOT ACCEPTABLE.(i know this is not the first time i am talking about this show, but i can't stop. It's really really that good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If you don't know what is 24, go google.

Photo : How different the world looks with a barrier in between...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Sam & Jeph

Read a short story yesterday. Was a sad story.

The writer's(Jeph) son(Sam), below 20 years old, passed away due to bone cancer.
Sam wrote a note that was left below in his hospital bed, and was only found after 4 months to the day of his death.

The note says :
Your destiny does not lie in a hospital bed.
Far greater achievements are to come.
Own your destiny.
Best friends, best doctors, best outlook, no worries.

Jeph says, there are 2 things in our life that we have no control over. First is our birth and second is our death. It is what we do in between this 2 points of our life that defines who we are...

The whole story touched my heart.

Photo : A long time ago, far far away in China there lives a farmer..(well there are lots of farmer there actually...)

Monday, June 05, 2006

At the nick of Time

Have it ever occurred to you that somehow, one way or another, everything always happens last minute. ALWAYS.

No matter how much preparation time you have, and you know that you need to do certain things by a given date, you are still running late and rushing somehow, at the very final minute! Requirements etc will change last minute, some idiots will start to say "change this, change that, blah blah blah" and ruin all your planning. Plus the absolute no respect for time management of self and others, it all contributes to the fast and hectic pace we are leaving in...

Think it's time to seek change...

Photo : At this angle, it looks every bit like it's from the streets of Manhattan..took this shot at about 4pm, sunlight kinda glaring, but thought it came out pretty well.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Rated Adult

It's Friday...and it felt the Wednesday here. So So So much things and totally swarmed.

The only things these days is to look forward in going home in the evening, sit on the toilet bowl, think of the long day that you had(picked your nose at the same time), take a long cooling shower, open a can of beer(occasionally sneak in a cigi), sit on the sofa, stare at the TV, not thinking about anything in particular, not watching the TV programs either, not talking/communicating just zoomed out and relax..aaaaaaahhhhh....

Guess this happens when you get older by the day and you find yourself not having the strength for any "night" activities on working weekdays. I know what you are thinking, and yes, Night activities can mean sex. But there are many things too, enjoying DVDs, catch a Movie/plays, dine in a nice restaurant(still do occasionally), workout, meet your little secret lover, watch soccer replay on TV, drink with your buddies in a pub etc etc etc... No more energy literally for all those... think better off doing the beer thingy on the sofa and hit the bed after that...

Adult life...ha!

Photo : Ok, this picture looks like it came straight out of a horror movie...

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Colour you and me

A new month. Same shit day in day out! Some things keep me(us) sane in this mad mad mad world.

Colours are one of the things that keep me sane. The brighter and more vibrant it is the better it makes me feel. Colours from leaves, buildings, sky, sun, shirts people wear, cars, banners etc etc etc.. The colours in life just lifts you up and keeps you moving!

Enough of B&W for now, lets start the new month with some vibrant colours!! Will still sneak in some B&W photos occasionally... please do feel free to criticise the photos! Have a colourful weekend and June ahead!!

By the way : You will notice alot of grammar and volcab mistakes in all my entries. Bear with me, I may start sneaking in some Lah, Leh, Loh..Hahahaha!!

Photo : More colours!!!!!