Thursday, November 01, 2007

It's Time!

It's that time of the year again!

X'mas is coming!

X'mas is probably my most favoured and looking forward to season of the whole year. the lightings, decors, atmosphere, songs, joy etc etc, jus amazing. Its always such a joy and happy time to be in..

Some places already started their decorations. The streets in Orchard..Starbucks etc etc. Well, I do fell a little relax and better after seeing that people are getting ready for X'mas…time to smile, be happy and laugh.

All will be forgotten and forgived..during the season at least...

Photo : X'mas coffee!!


Anonymous said...

Only one wish this year... that Uncle Santa will bring me to a far away place. I am sick of here!!

Yvaine, the fallen star

Keevy - 小明® said...

It is a damn scary thought that another year is going to be over soon...