Monday, July 16, 2007

Violence Is Not Necessary

Watched Pan's Labyrinth over DVD last weekend.

Great stuffs…BUT…the violent…! The part that this guy's mouth got cut open with a knife..ARGHHED!!!! The violent is totally unacceptable and unnecessary…I will faint to such scenes…

Still great movie and great directing. Costume designs are stunning. Fairy tales does exist in this world…? Check out the DVD. Worth it!

Lost all my fortune over 2 weekends in Monopoly games…total bankruptcy…

Died numerous times being Ryu…

Defeated too many times as Shu…

What's happening…nothing seems to be working out…

It does not help that I will be going for Military Summer Camp again come next Monday… MGS Portable Ops, Frank Hubert, Isaac Asimov hopefully will help me past that 2 weeks. Oh! Not forgetting Cigis and coffee!!

Gonna miss some nonsense for that 2 weeks...

Photo : Japanese wedding ceremony. Great efforts and lotsa details...(Thought the photo will look better in Black & White...but than again, might look a little like horror movie if it is...)

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