Friday, July 20, 2007

Let Go?

It's really hard to let go, even for awhile.

When the trust is not there, things can get really difficult and put someone on the edge everyday.

I guess it kinda makes me worry now…it can be good and bad. 2 sides of a coin.

It makes me tired, cos I cannot let go. Yet, it makes me wanna let go of it all and just "fuck it". I never thought that this would be upon's just so not me…guess it's passion?

Sigh. Just pray nothing happens in the next 14 days...

Photo : Me

Thursday, July 19, 2007

On and On

A lot more "cold' jokes last night…

A gal next to me was like non-stop on the phone via SMS…the guy infront of me cannot stop shaking his legs(wearing Man U jersey), the one 2 tables away cannot stop asking idiotic questions…sick people… Singaporeans are really one kind.

Completed step 2…proceeding to step 3…this is really taxing…

I am someone who hates calssroom… and worst still..tests… but, I dun have a choice for this…

Gonna be another mad rush tonight…a breatherv tomorrow and another rush on Saturday..then follow by 2 weeks worth of jungle…

I am so impatient to get the necessary done now…oohh…my desired princess…come to me quick...

Photo : Bike crossing...!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

First Step

Last evening, went for the first of the many steps towards the goal.

As I was travelling in the train…It went past my goal's habitat…it look so so clear with all the windows and bright…she is just in there..waiting for me… It's like a motivational factor for me, to drive me on.

I am very tempted to pay a visit soon, even without the plans in place...

Upon reahcing the "school" looks like immigration many people so busy...

There are really lotsa weird people in class..and so so so typical… Singaporeans! What can I say?!(I dun even wanna repeat the incidents...)

The worst thing is…the lecturer was "giving away" COLD FREEZING JOKES….can die…

Now, on to step 2...

Photo : Keeve..very soon we will be like this 2 clowns...sigh!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Violence Is Not Necessary

Watched Pan's Labyrinth over DVD last weekend.

Great stuffs…BUT…the violent…! The part that this guy's mouth got cut open with a knife..ARGHHED!!!! The violent is totally unacceptable and unnecessary…I will faint to such scenes…

Still great movie and great directing. Costume designs are stunning. Fairy tales does exist in this world…? Check out the DVD. Worth it!

Lost all my fortune over 2 weekends in Monopoly games…total bankruptcy…

Died numerous times being Ryu…

Defeated too many times as Shu…

What's happening…nothing seems to be working out…

It does not help that I will be going for Military Summer Camp again come next Monday… MGS Portable Ops, Frank Hubert, Isaac Asimov hopefully will help me past that 2 weeks. Oh! Not forgetting Cigis and coffee!!

Gonna miss some nonsense for that 2 weeks...

Photo : Japanese wedding ceremony. Great efforts and lotsa details...(Thought the photo will look better in Black & White...but than again, might look a little like horror movie if it is...)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fatal Attraction

I have been "missing" for weeks. Long time. Work is really taking up all possible time that I had and white hair seems to be sprouting out too...stress...pressure... but still, there is always time for a "new love"!

On this new love, like Keeve said.."This is a Fatal Attraction"

I am in this mode now. And I am gonna do something that I never thought that I would. It shock me too. A lot of my friends were shock as well, cos I was so strong with my opinions and then suddendly, I changed my thoughts.

Ha Ha! What can I say, I totally fell in love with It. And I will do whatever I can to own it. I am working hard towards it. Let see what happens in the next 18 months…I do hope I can achieve it. It's love at first sight, I think.

Some were telling me, there are many other nicer ones around! Not to me. I never was interested and into any of it, untill I saw "her"…she came along and made my heart pound day and night...

Amazing… Friends who know me well will know that, whatever catches my fancy, and when I have made up my mind to own it, I will. At least I have a goal to work on!

It is really a Fatal Attraction...

Photo : Give me direction to where the money are!