Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Small Island

Was at Wheelock Place Starbucks over last Saturday. Noticed 2 pretty gals sitting opposite me…

Than, I was at Ikea the next day and walked past one of the gals that was at Starbucks yesterday. We looked at each other like.."Hmmm…do we know each other?" kinda look. Than in a split second, we goes like "ah! Starbucks, yesterday!" in our mind.

I was than at Holland Village, sitting at Haagen Daz for ice-cream and coffee. Sitting next to a table of 5 ladies. One of them struck me, cos she is the slimmest of the lot(not a good way to be remembered I am sure!).

Than yesterday, I was having lunch at this restaurant and the slimmest-of-the-lot gal from Haagen Daz on Sunday was sitting next to my table. I went like.."hmmm…I know her…", than the "ahh..!!" happens right immediately.

It's really such a small world. Especially in this country. There's only that many people in this little island and everyone will kinda "seen" or "know" or linked to each other.


Photo : Wet to dry...